編輯推薦: |
Sandra Boynton
她的书适合低幼儿童阅读和英语启蒙,且多是卡板书。其中六本儿童书荣列美国《出版人周刊》终身五星童书榜 (All-Time
Bestselling Children''s Books list),包括本辑精选的四本书: Moo, Baa, La La
La!《哞咩啦啦!》 , The Going to Bed Book 《到床上看书》, A to Z《A到Z》
, Blue Hat, Green Hat《蓝帽子,绿帽子》; 以及另外两本书 :Barnyard Dance《谷仓舞蹈》, Oh
My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs! 《哦,我的恐龙》。
她有四本作品是纽约时报畅销书: Chocolate: The
Consuming Passion 1982; Yay, You! 2001; Consider Love 200
內容簡介: |
1.Moo, Baa, La La La!《哞咩啦啦!》:本书教小孩子认识不同的动物及它们的叫声;
2.The Going to Bed Book 《到床上看书》:本书教导小孩子睡前要做的准备工作如洗澡、刷牙等。
3.A to Z《A到Z》:本书通过单词辅助教孩子认识26个英文字母。
4.Blue Hat, Green Hat《蓝帽子,绿帽子》:本书教小孩子认识不同的颜色和衣服类型。
關於作者: |
Boynton从1996年开始创作歌曲,评价自己的作品为"renegade children''s
她的作品 Chloe and Maude曾获得Irma Simonton Black
Award。Barnyard Dance和Your Personal Penguin两本书获得了National Parenting
Publications Gold Medal。Sandra
Boynton她本人也在2008年获得全美漫画家协会的最高荣誉:Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement
Sandra Boynton is a popular American cartoonist, children''s
author, songwriter, producer, and director. Since 1974, Boynton has
written and illustrated over fifty children''s books and seven
general audience books, including four New York Times Bestsellers.
More than 60 million of her books have been sold--"mostly to
friends and family," she says. She has also written with Michael
Ford and produced four albums of renegade children''s music. Three
of her five albums have been certified Gold, and "Philadelphia
Chickens," nominated for a Grammy, is nearing Platinum. Boynton has
also directed five music videos of her songs, including the
award-winning "One Shoe Blues" starring BB King. She lives in rural
New England, and her studio is in a barn with perhaps the only
hippopotamus weathervane in America.
1.Moo, Baa, La La La!《哞咩啦啦!》
2.The Going to Bed Book 《到床上看书》
3.A to Z《A到Z》
4.Blue Hat, Green Hat《蓝帽子,绿帽子》
5.But Not The Hippopotamus《但不是河马》
8.Horns To Toes《从角到脚》