內容簡介: |
Here are thirty-eight poems about almost everything! Whether
you''re feeling silly, happy, or thoughtful, you''ll find one to fit
your mood and make you smile.
關於作者: |
Lee Bennett Hopkins, born in 1938, is famous for his work as
an anthologist, author, and avid promoter of bringing poetry to
children. He has compiled more than 80 anthologies on subjects
including animals, weather, school days, sports, U.S. history and
geography, holidays, and embarrassing moments for young people.
Though the subjects he chooses are outwardly ordinary, Hopkins
treats them in eccentric ways. For example, Hoofbeats, Claws
Rippled Fins: Creature Poems, is about odd pets like tarantulas and
how to love them. His anthologies have won widespread acclaim from
book critics and include both well-known and newly published