編輯推薦: |
Under Larry the Lifeguard''s watchful eye, three friends compete
to see who can build the tallest sand castle, the deepest moat, and
the longest wall.
內容簡介: |
One Saturday at the beach, Laura, Juan, and Sarah decide to have
a sand castle contest. As the tide rises, the walls get longer, the
towers get taller, and the moats get deeper. The friends measure
their sand castles with spoons, shovels, and bare feet until Larry
the lifeguard and his tape measure surprise them all.
關於作者: |
Stuart J. Murphy is a visual learning specialist. A graduate of
the Rhode Island School of Design, he has a strong background in
design and art direction. He also has extensive experience in the
world of educational publishing. Drawing on all these talents,
Stuart J. Murphy brings a unique perspective to the MathStart
series. In MathStart books, pictures do more than tell stories;
they teach math.
Stuart J. Murphy and his wife, Nancy, live in Boston.