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『英文書』Tidy Titch 小蒂奇收拾旧玩具 ISBN9780688136482

書城自編碼: 2416087
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Hutchins, Pat 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9780688136482
出版社: HarperCollins
出版日期: 1995-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 348



** 我創建的書架 **

When Mary and Peter decide to get rid of the toys, books, and
games they have outgrown, Titch finds the perfect place for
them--his room. "Deliciously funny...Spare, deftly tuned dialogue
and the colorful illustrations quietly amplify the humor."--Kirkus
"I tend to see the funny side of things," says Pat Hutchins.
Whether it''s the light, subtle humor of her first picture book,
Rosie''s Walk, or the slapstick comedy of Rats!, her special gift of
humor is reflected in both words and pictures.
Pat Hutchins was born in Yorkshire, England, one of seven
children, and grew up in the countryside of Yorkshire, which she
still loves. At a very early age she knew that she wanted to be an
She was encouraged by an elderly couple, who would give her a
chocolate bar for each picture she drew. A local art school gave
her a scholarship and she studied there for three years, continuing
her training at Leeds College of Art, where she specialized in
illustration. Her career in the children''s book field began with
the highly acclaimed Rosie''s Walk, a 1968 ALA Notable Book. Since
then she has written five novels and created more than twenty
picture books. She was awarded England''s prestigious Kate Greenaway
Medal in 1974 for The Wind Blew.
She says she tries "to write about what children say and do," and
she believes in very simple picture books for the youngest child.
But her simple texts and wonderfully vivid pictures manage to
convey the most complex emotions. She also has the rare ability to
use such basic concepts as time, growth, and change to create
imaginative, satisfying books for children. Her ideas come from a
variety of sources: listening to her children and their friends, or
sometimes from real situations. The idea for The Very Worst Monster
came to her when her niece told her she wanted to give her baby
brother away. Ms. Hutchins tempered the theme of sibling rivalry by
using soft watercolors to make the monster family more lovable. The
result is a delightfully wicked monster family that children will
wish lived next door.
Pat Hutchins lives in London with her husband, Laurence, also an
artist. They have two sons, Morgan and Sam.



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