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『英文書』If You Give…系列:If You Give a Pig a Pancake 要是你给猪吃煎饼(精装) ISBN9780060266868

書城自編碼: 2415957
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Laura Joffe Numeroff 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9780060266868
出版社: HarperCollins
出版日期: 1998-04-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 24开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 847



** 我創建的書架 **

"If you give a pig a pancake, she''ll want some syrup to go
with it. You''ll give her some of your favorite maple syrup. She''ll
probably get all sticky, so she''ll want to take a bath." You get
the idea. Baths lead to bubbles, bubbles lead to rubber ducks,
rubber ducks lead to wanting a trip to the farm. If You Give a Pig
a Pancake is a delightful exploration of the scenario "if you give
an inch, they''ll take a mile." But who could refuse the whims of
this adorable piglet? Not us, and certai
If you give a pig a pancake, she''ll want some syrup to go with
it. You''ll give her some of your favourite maple syrup, and she''ll
probably get all sticky, so she''ll want to take a bath. She''ll ask
you for some bubbles. When you give her the bubbles... Ages 0-5
Born in 1953, the youngest of three girls, Laura Numeroff grew
up in Brooklyn, New York, surrounded by art, music, and books. By
age nine, Laura started writing her own stories and drew pictures
to go with them -- she would even make a book cover for them and
write down the name of the publisher. She also spent a great deal
of time reading and took weekly trips to the public library --
which was about five blocks from her house. At that time, her
favorite possessions were her microscope, a box of sixty-four
crayons, and her library card.
At age fifteen, Laura decided to follow in her sister''s footsteps
and become a fashion designer. However, during her last semester in
college, Laura decided to take a class in writing and illustrating
books for children. She ended up graduating with a degree and a
publishing contract for her first book! She has been writing now
for 27 years and has written 16 books for children. Her
best-selling If You Give a ... series has received critical acclaim
and has become a favorite for children of all ages. She currently
lives in Los Angeles, California.



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