內容簡介: |
1.农夫和蛇The Peasant and the Snake
2.狮子打猎The Lion a-Hunting
3.人和他的影子A Man and His Shadow
4.牧羊人和大海The Shepherd and The Sea
5.葬礼A Funeral
6.鹅卵石和钻石Boulder and Diamond
7.农夫和蛇Peasant and Snake
8.两个孩子Two Boys
9.乌鸦和母鸡Crow and Fowl
11.工程师The Engineer
12.农夫和强盗Peasant and Robber
13.猴子和镜子Monkey and Mirror
14.狐狸和葡萄Fox and The Grapes
15.男孩和蛀虫The Boy and The Worm
16.狮子和老鼠Lion and Mouse
17.公鸡和杜鹃Cock and Cuckoo
20.蛤蟆和小公牛Frog and Bullock
21.纸鸢A Kite
22.火与钻石Fire and Diamond
24.大官A Great Lord
25.神谕The Oracle
26.狮子和猎人Lion and Man
27.狮子老了Lion Grown Old
28.驴子和它的铃铛The Ass and His Bell
29.矢车菊The Cornflower
30.杂色羊Speckled Sheep
31.农夫和羊Peasant and Sheep
32.守财奴The Miser
34.强盗和车夫Robber and Carter
35.诗人和百万富翁Poet and Millionaire
36.农夫和死神The Peasant and Death
37.骑士The Knight
38.猴子小姐和她的眼镜Miss Monkey and Her Spectacles
40.树叶和树根Leaves and Roots
41.狐狸和土拨鼠Fox and Marmot
42.狗的友谊Dog’s Friendship
43.两只鸽子Two Pigeons
46.小狮子的教育Young Lion’s Education
47.狼落狗窝Wolf in the Kennels
48.三重婚者The Trigamis
49.羊和狗Sheep and Dogs
50.狼和鹤Wolf and Crane
52.约翰的汤Soup of Master John
53.鹰和鸡Eagle and Fowls
54.浪子和燕子Spendthrift and Swallow
55.橡树下的猪Pig Under the Oak
56.狼和牧人Wolf and Shepherds
57.狮子和狼Lion and Wolf
58.蜜蜂和苍蝇Bee and Flies
59.男孩和蛇Boy and Snake
60.政治家和思想家Statesman and Thinker
61.分红Sharing Up
62.苍蝇和马车The Fly and The Coach
63.强壮的蚂蚁The Strong Ant
64.蜘蛛和痛风Spider and Gout
65.建筑师狐狸Fox As Architect
66.磨坊主The Miller
68.小老鼠和大老鼠Mouse and Rat
69.阿佩利斯和小毛驴Apelles and the Young Ass
70.一颗麦子A Blade of Corn
71.农夫和马Peasant and Horse
72.狼和杜鹃Wolf and Cuckoo
73.说谎者The Liar
74.小树The Sapling
75.袋子The Bag
76.园丁和自以为聪明的人Gardener and Wiseacre
77.池沼和河流Pond and River
78.公鸡和珍珠Cock and Pearl
79.勤勉的熊The Industrious Bear
80.攀藤The Creeper
81.青蛙和朱庇特Froggy and Jupiter
82.杜鹃和斑鸠Cuckoo and Wood-pigeon
83.老农夫和长工Old Mat and His Man
84.地方长官的象Elephant As Governor
85.作家和强盗Author and Robber
86.小石斑鱼The Young Roach
87.云A Cloud
88.诽谤A Calumny
89.农夫和他的斧头The Peasant and His Axe
91.盛宴A Feast
94.铁锅和瓦罐Kettle and Pot
95.采珍珠的人The Pearl Divers
96.游泳者与海The Swimmer and The Sea
97.蜘蛛和蜜蜂Spider and Bee
98.主人和老鼠Master and the Mice
99.狮子和蚊子Lion and Gnat
100.熊的晚宴Mike’s Dinner Party
101.狼和猫Wolf and Cat
102.野山羊Wild Goats