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內容簡介: |
1 通用零部件Common Parts
1.1 紧固件及连接件Fasteners and Joints
1.2 轴承Bearing
1.2.1 滑动轴承Sliding Bearing
1.2.2 滚动轴承Rolling Bearing
1.3 联轴器、离合器和制动器Coupling,Clutch and Brake
1.3.1 联轴器Couplings
1.3.2 离合器Clutch
1.3.3 制动器Brake
1.4 弹簧Spring
1.4.1 圆柱螺旋弹簧Cylindrical Helical Spring
1.4.2 圆锥形螺旋弹簧Conical Helical Spring
1.4.3 碟形弹簧Disc Spring
1.4.4 片弹簧Flat Spring
1.4.5 板弹簧Plate Spring
1.4.6 扭杆弹簧Torsion Bar Spring
1.4.7 空气弹簧Air Spring46
1.4.8 油气弹簧HydroPneumatic Spring
1.4.9 环形弹簧Ring Spring
1.4.1 0橡胶弹簧Rubber Spring
1.4.1 1发条弹簧Clockwork Spring
1.5 操作件Operating Parts
1.6 润滑装置Lubricating Device
2 动力装置Power Plant
2.1 内燃动力装置Internal Combustion Power Plant
2.1.1 内燃发动机Internal Combustion Engine
2.1.2 内燃机曲柄连杆机构零部件Parts of Engine Crank Link Mechanism
2.1.3 缸体及汽缸盖Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head
2.1.4 配气机构和进、排气系统Admission Gear,Intake and Exhaust System
2.1.5 发动机增压器Engine Supercharger
2.1.6 燃油供给系统Fuel Supply System
2.1.7 冷却系统Cooling System
2.1.8 润滑系统Lubrication System
2.1.9 点火系统Ignition System
2.2 电力动力装置Electricity Power Plant
3 机械传动系统及主要零部件Mechanical Drive System and Major Components
3.1 机械传动Mechanical Drive
3.1.1 带传动Belt Drive
3.1.2 链传动Chain Drive
3.1.3 齿轮传动Gear Drive
3.1.4 齿轮系Gear Trains
3.1.5 摩擦轮传动Frictional Wheel Drive
3.1.6 螺旋传动Screw Drive
3.2 机械传动零件Parts of Mechanical Drive
3.2.1 带传动主要零件Major Parts of Belt Drive
3.2.2 链传动主要零件Major Parts of Chain Drive
3.2.3 传动齿轮Drive Gear
3.2.4 传动齿轮附件Accessories of Drive Gear
3.2.5 行星传动齿轮Planetary Pinion
3.2.6 蜗轮与蜗杆Worm and Wheel
3.2.7 摩擦传动零件Parts of Friction Drive
3.2.8 螺旋传动零件Parts of Screw Drive
3.3 轴Shaft
3.4 变速器Transmission
3.4.1 机械式有级变速器Mechanical Step Transmission
3.4.2 变速器主要零部件Major Parts of Transmission
3.4.3 机械无级变速器Mechanical Stepless Transmission
3.5 减速器Reducer
3.6 万向传动装置Universal Driving Device
4 液压传动Hydraulic Transmission
4.1 液压传动动力部件Hydraulic Transmission Power Unit
4.2 液压传动执行部件Hydraulic Transmission Executive Assembly
4.3 调节与控制部件Regulating and Control Components
4.3.1 压力控制阀Pressure Control Valve
4.3.2 流量控制阀Flow Control Valve
4.3.3 方向控制阀Direction Control Valve
4.3.4 比例阀Proportional Valve
4.4 液压辅件Hydraulic Accessory
4.4.1 管道Pipeline
4.4.2 管接头Pipe Joints
4.4.3 密封件Seal
4.4.4 蓄能器Accumulator
4.4.5 油箱Oil Tank
4.4.6 过滤装置Filtration Equipment
5 液力传动Hydraulic Transmission
5.1 液力偶合器Hydraulic Coupler
5.2 液力变矩器Hydraulic Torque Converter
6 起重机械零部件Components of Hoisting Machinery
6.1 钢丝绳及绳具Steel Wire Rope and Rigging
6.2 起重机卷筒零件Parts of Crane Winging Drum
6.3 绳索滑轮、滑轮组和起重滑车Rope Pulley,Pulley Block and Hoisting Tackle
6.3.1 起重机用滑轮Pulley for Crane
6.3.2 滑轮组Pulley Block
6.3.3 起重滑车Hoisting Tackle
6.4 链条和链轮Chains and Sprockets
6.4.1 起重链条Hoisting Chain
6.4.2 起重链轮Hoisting Sprockets
6.5 吊钩组和吊钩Lifting Hook Group and Lifting Hook
6.6 非流动式起重机用钢车轮Steel Wheels for NonMobile Crane
7 机械设备结构件Mechanical Equipment Structural Member
7.1 车架Frame
7.1.1 整体式车架Integral Frame
7.1.2 摩托车和拖拉机车架Motorcycle and Tractor Frame
7.1.3 轮式车辆铰接式车架Articulated Frame of Wheeled Vehicle
7.1.4 履带式车辆机架Tracked Vehicle Frame
7.2 机械加工设备机架Machining Equipment Frame
7.2.1 梁柱式机架BeamColumn Frame
7.2.2 卧式机架Horizontal Frame
7.2.3 框架式机架Frame Rack
7.2.4 箱体类机架BoxType Frame
7.2.5 平台和转台类构件Components of Platform and Turntable
7.3 桥架Bridge Frame
7.4 门架Gantry
7.5 臂架Jib
8 履带式行驶系统零部件Components of Tracked Driving System
8.1 履带式行驶系统Tracked Driving System
8.2 推土机行驶系统零部件Components of Bulldozer Driving System
8.2.1 履带Track
8.2.2 驱动轮Drive Wheel
8.2.3 支重轮Thrust Wheel
8.2.4 托轮Supporting roller
8.2.5 导向轮Guide Wheel
8.2.6 张紧装置Tensioning Device
8.2.7 履带行驶系统机架Rack of Tracked Driving System
8.2.8 履带行驶系统悬架Suspension of Tracked Driving System