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Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Need for the study
1.1.1 The importance of listening
1.1.2 Complexity of frequency in second language learning
1.1.3 Necessity of studying question preview in listening comprehension
1.2 Research methods and questions
1.3 The research purpose
1.4 The organization of the book
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Definitions of key terms
2.2.I Listening comprehension
2.2.2 Task
2.2.3 Task-based and task-supported
2.2.4 Task difficulty
2.2.5 Task frequency
2.3 An overview of related studies
2.3.1 Introduction
2.3.2 Studies on listening comprehension
2.3.3 Empirical studies related to the present study
2.3.4 A brief summary of existing studies
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework for the Present Study
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Input and second language learning
3.2.1 Input Hypothesis
3.2.2 The role of input
3.2.3 Criticism of the Input Hypothesis
3.2.4 Input and listening comprehension
3.3 Noticing and second language learning
3.3.1 Consciousness, attention and awareness
3.3.2 Noticing Hypothesis
3.3.3 Types of noticing within the information-processing model
3.3.4 Noticing and task
3.3.5 Noticing and listening comprehension
3.4 Comprehension and second language learning
3.4.1 What is comprehension?
3.4.2 Comprehension and input processing
3.4.3 The place of comprehension in language learning
3.4.4 Comprehension and listening
3.5 The role of tasks in the teaching of listening
3.6 The framework of the present study
3.6.1 Task-supported listening teaching
3.6.2 Memory and noticing
3.6.3 Memory and comprehension
3.7 Summary
Chapter Four Research Methodology
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The pilot study
4.2.1 Research questions
4.2.2 Subjects
4.2.3 Listening material
4.2.4 Procedures
4.2.5 Data analysis
4.2.6 Results and findings
4.2.7 Limitations
4.2.8 Suggestions for the main study
4.3 The main study
4.3.1 Research questiona
4.3.2 Subjects
4.3.3 Research design
4.3.4 Instruments
4.3.5 Variables of the present study
4.3.6 Procedures
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Data Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Quantitative analysis
5.2.1 Comparison of the mean scores within groups
5.2.2 Comparison of the mean scores between groups
5.2.3 Comparison of the mean scores of the students at the same level
5.2.4 Comparison of listening tasks with different difficulty levels
5.3 Qualitative analysis
5.3.1 Qualitative analysis of questionnaire
5.3.2 Qualitative analysis of the interviews
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Results and Discussion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Effects of three task-supported forms on the text listening comprehension
6.2.1 The effects of input frequency on the text listening comprehension
6.2.2 The effects of question preview on the text listening comprehension
6.2.3 The effects of answer option preview on the text listening comprehension
6.3 Effects of three task-supported forms on the text listening comprehension of the learners at different proficiency levels
6.3.1 The effects of input frequency on the learners at different proficiency levels
6.3.2 The effects of question preview on the learners at different proficiency levels
6.3.3 The effects of answer option preview on the learners at different proficiency levels
6.4 Effects of three task-supported forms on the tasks with different difficulty levels
6.4.1 The effects of three task-supported forms on the easy task
6.4.2 The effects of three task-supported forms on the difficult task
6.4.3 The effects of three task-supported forms on the task with medium difficulty level
6.5 The interaction effects of three task-supported forms
6.6 Discussion
6.6.1 Information processing
6.6.2 Purpose and expectation
6.6.3 Visuals-based and visuals-aided
6.7 Summary
Chapter Seven Findings, Implications and Limitations
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Major findings
7.2.1 Findings related to the effects of input frequency on the text listening comprehension
7.2.2 Findings related to the effects of question preview on the text listening comprehension
7.2.3 Findings related to the effects of answer option preview on the text listening comprehension
7.3 Implications
7.3.1 Pedagogical implications
7.3.2 Testing implications
7.3.3 Theoretical implications
7.3.4 Methodological implications
7.4 Limitations
7.5 Suggestions for future research
7.6 Summary