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『簡體書』社会主义在中国(1919-1965)(英文版) SOCIALISM IN CHINA

書城自編碼: 2355441
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: 于幼军 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787119087351
出版社: 外文出版社
出版日期: 2014-03-01

頁數/字數: 649页
書度/開本: 16开

售價:NT$ 882



** 我創建的書架 **

本书既包含了西方社会如何看待中国的经济发展和新领导人,但是又强调了正进行着这场伟大改革的中国人自己的视野。两位作者的背景决定了这本书的特点。欧思林(Oliver Barron)是一名美国的中国经济分析师,他站在局外,能看到我们这些身在局中的中国人所忽视的地方,分析直指问题的本质;林威(Wei Lin)是《中国证券报》的一名中国记者,了解中国政府的运行和操作流程,注重细节,查漏补缺,矫枉而不过其直。
本书时间跨度自1919年五四运动至1965年“文化大革命”前夕,把这段时期马克思主义在中国的传播及与中国国情相结合,逐步形成中国特色马克思主义理论的过程,以及科学社会主义思想在中国的实践与发展,以开阔的历史视野和敏锐的时代眼光作了细致的描述。尤其是对以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人,把马克思主义基本原理与中国国情和革命实践相结合,创立了包括新民主主义革命和新民主主义社会思想在内的新民主主义理论,建立中华人民共和国,在经济文化落后的半殖民地半封建的国度探索建设社会主义的理论和道路,进行系统的回顾与思考,冷静客观地总结其中的经验教训,以求镜古自悟,资政育人。This book integrates the history of China’s socialist ideology and socialist movement with the history of the Communist Party of China CPC and that of modern China. It attempts to touch the reader with an objective narration of major historical events, a vivid depiction of great personalities, and the concise and insightful comments of the author, Dr. Yu Youjun.
This book covers the period spanning from the May 4th Movement of 1919 to the eve of the Cultural Revolution in 1965. Providing broad historical perspective and sharp insights, it describes this period in details, from the introduction of Marxism to China, to the CPC integrating the theory with China’s prevailing conditions and enriching it with Chinese characteristics, to the evolution and practice of scientific socialism in China.
The Chinese Communists, represented by Mao Zedong, integrated the fundamental tenets of Marxism with China’s prevailing conditions and revolutionary practices to create their own New Democracy Theory that included both new democratic revolution and new democratic society and to establish the People’s Republic of China. The author’s systematic review and thinking of their explorations of a theory and path to build socialism in a country that was semi-colonial and semi-feudal, burdened with a backward economy and culture, and his objective summary of the lessons and experiences from their explorations, all act as a mirror for today’s governance and education.
于幼军,中山大学马克思主义哲学专业毕业,在职研究生学历,哲学博士。现任国务院南水北调办党组成员、副主任。Yu Youjun, born in 1953, is a native of Fengxian County in Jiangsu Province. He graduated from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou with a Ph.D. in Marxist philosophy. Since 1986, Yu has worked as a leading Party and government official at regional, municipal, provincial and ministerial levels. He is now the vice director of the Office of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project Construction Committee under the State Council.
Amidst his busy schedule, he keeps a watchful eye on social issues, keen to learn and question, eager to explore and write. His publications in recent years include The Third Theoretic Breakthrough in Socialism Guangdong People''s Publishing House, 1995, Theory of Culture in the Primary Stage of Socialism People''s Publishing House, 1999, Five Hundred Years of Socialism—Socialism: Utopian and Scientific Vol. I, revised edition, Five Hundred Years of Socialism—Socialism: Theory and Practice Vol. II, revised edition, coauthored, Guangdong Education Publishing House, 2011, and Five Hundred Years of Socialism—Socialism in China 1919-1965 Vol. III. He has presided over the writing of Stock Cooperative Economy Emerging in Rural China, Deng Xiaoping Theory and Reform and Opening Up Research in Guangdong Province Series, and The New Three Character Classic etc. He has published hundreds of essays and articles in newspapers and journals such as People''s Daily, Guangming Daily, Qiushi and Social Sciences in China.
Chapter 1
Marxism Introduced to China after the Russian October Revolution;
Initiated by Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu, the Communist Party of China Is Founded
十月革命炮响 马克思主义传入中国
北李南陈相约 中国共产党应运诞生
Chapter 2
Formulation of Ultimate and Interim Party Programs Based on Prevailing Conditions in China;
Two-step Approach for Party’s Strategies
纲领应有高低 展宏图需从国情出发
革命须分两步 共产党明晰任务目标
Chapter 3
During Chen Jiongming’s Mutiny, Sun Yat-sen Escapes Aboard the Yongfeng;
Sun Decides to Ally with the Soviet Union and the CPC
多年奋斗未果 永丰舰悔筹谋失策
决意联俄容共 孙中山觅组党良方
Chapter 4
The United Front Founded, the National Revolution Rolls On;
Sun Yat-sen Dies but His Legacy Continues
联合战线筑就 国民革命风起云涌
一代巨星陨落 伟人业绩山高水长
Chapter 5
Chiang Kai-shek Launches Attacks on Communists in Shanghai;
the CPC Realizes that Political Power Grows out of the Barrel of a Gun
浦江风云突变 蒋介石举起屠刀
鲜血擦亮眼睛 枪杆子打出政权
Chapter 6
To Besiege Cities from the Countryside, the Jinggang Base Is Built;
a Single Spark Starts a Prairie Fire, the Red Army Is Founded
农村包围城市 井冈道路通天下
军队效力人民 星星之火可燎原
Chapter 7
Fighting Dogmatism, the CPC Finds the Right Path;
Exploring a New Way to Govern, the People’s Republic in Embryo
反对教条主义 思想路线正航向
探索苏区新政 人民共和见雏形
Chapter 8
Wang Ming’s Leftist Policy Leads the Revolution Astray;
Bo Gu’s Blind Command Takes the Red Army up a Blind Alley
王明决策极左 中国革命误入歧途
博古指挥胡乱 苏区红军濒于绝境
Chapter 9
The Zunyi Meeting Corrects the Direction of the Party;
the Long March Keeps Alive the Embers of Revolution
遵义航向拨正 力挽狂澜于既倒
红军铁流万里 锻造民族之脊梁
Chapter 10
Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng Capture Chiang in the Xi’an Incident;
Zhang Wentian and Mao Zedong Mediate for a United Front between KMT and CPC against Japanese Aggression
张杨奋起兵谏 西安事变惊环宇
张毛力促和解 国共携手赴国难
Chapter 11
A Whole Nation United as One to Resist Japanese Aggression;
the CPC Wins Wide Respect for Defending National Unity
全民同仇敌忾 抗日烽火燃遍大江南北
中共深明大义 化解危局饮誉国内海外
Chapter 12
Mao Zedong Crystallizes His Thoughts on the New-Democracy Theory;
Shaanxi-Gansu Base Experiments the Model of the People’s Republic
润之潜心耕耘 终成新民主主义理论
陕甘起步试验 探索人民共和国模式
Chapter 13
Complying with the Historical Trend, the CPC Issues May Day Slogans;
Joining Hands to Found a Democratic Government, the CPC and the Democratic Parties Formulate the Common Program
顺应历史潮流 共产党发出“五一口号”
协商民主建国 众党派订立《共同纲领》
Chapter 14
New-democratic Blueprint Cures the Wounds of War;
Land Reform Makes Land-to-the-tiller Dream Come True
医治战争创伤 新民主主义蓝图铺展
推行土地改革 耕者有其田梦想成真
Chapter 15
China Chooses Alliance with the Soviet Union;
Implementation of the First Five-Year Plan Leads to Economic and Social Advancement
选择与苏结盟 外交方针一边倒
实施一五计划 经济社会百事新
Chapter 16
A Premature Transition to Socialism under the General Line which Replaces the Common Program;
Too Eager to Complete the Transformation of Agriculture, Handicraft and Industrial and Commercial Industries
过早起步过渡 总路线取代《共同纲领》
过急过快推进 超高速完成“三大改造”
Chapter 17
Khrushchev Repudiates Personality Cult in His Secret Report;
Eighth CPC National Congress Explores New Path Based on In-depth Research
痛批个人崇拜 赫鲁晓夫抛出秘密报告
大兴调查研究 中共八大探索建设新路
Chapter 18
The Intra-Party Rectification Movement Turns into the Anti-Rightist Campaign;
Purge Escalates and Becomes Reckless
整风急转反右 雷霆震怒出重拳
斗争失去法度 千倍扩大实离谱
Chapter 19
Following a Right Track Not for Rash Advance, a Sober Mind Ensures Steady Progress;
the Feverish Great Leap Forward Ends in Debacle and the Utopia Is But a Dream
反冒进循正轨 头脑清醒令步伐稳健
大跃进演闹剧 主观狂热致梦想成空
Chapter 20
Premature People’s Communes Waste Money and Manpower, Causing Lasting Calamities;
Communization Results in Chaos and Disunity, an Expensive Lesson
公社化硬超前 劳民伤财罹患沉疴
共产风乱神州 民心离散教训深重
Chapter 21
Overnight Change of Direction at the Lushan Conference, from Correcting Leftist Mistakes to Fighting Rightist Opportunism;
the Anti-Rightist Storm Surges across the Country, Millions of Innocents Are Wronged
庐山风云突变 纠左急转反右竟在一夜间
反右狂飙再起 无辜蒙冤受难何止百万众
Chapter 22
Three-year Great Leap Forward Plunges China into an Abyss;
Readjustment Policy Helps Rescue the Nation
客观规律无情 三年跃进跌入深渊
实事求是有道 八字方针走出困境
Chapter 23
Guarding against Revisionism, the “Four Clear-ups” Movement Aims to Purge “Dissidents” within the Party;
Focusing on the Class Struggle, Mao’s New Thought Sets the Tone for the Cultural Revolution
高调反修防修 “四清运动”整肃党内走资派
强化阶级斗争 新创理论隐伏“文化大革命”
Important Figures



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