第一章 演讲篇
NO.1 最好的时代尚未到来
The Best Is Yet to Come
NO.2 我们已经走得太远
We''ve Come too Far to Turn Back Now
NO.3 在暴风雨后恢复和重建
Recovering and Rebuilding after the Storm
NO.4 从华尔街拿回我们的钱
Getting Our Money back frOm Wall Street
NO.5 推动就业
Pushing forward on Jobs
NO.6 选择美国,投资美国,在美国创造就业
Choose America Invest in America Create Jobs in America
NO.7 结束政府关闭
End This Government Shutdown
NO.8 奥巴马总统在中美战略与经济对话会议上的讲话
Rema rks by the President at the U S-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue
NO.9 奥巴马总统周末演讲
Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address
NO.10 9·11袭击1l周年纪念日
Mark the Eleventh Anniversary of the September 11th Attacks
NO.11 通过华尔街改革保护美国人民
Protecting the American People with New Wall Street Reforms
NO.12 关于奥萨马·本·拉登死亡的演讲
Speech on the Death of Osama Bin Laden
NO.13 布什总统告别演说
Farewell''Speech of President Bush
NO.14 布什总统清华大学演讲
President Bush Speaks at Tsinghua University
NO.15 克林顿总统告别演讲
Clinton''s Farewell Speech
NO.16 里根总统就职演讲
Ronald Reagon''s First Inaugural Speech
第二章 致辞篇
NO.17 奥巴马总统在2012年艾尔弗雷德·史密斯晚宴上的讲话
Remarks''by President Obama at the 2012 Alfred E Smith Dinner
NO.18 泰国总理英拉与美国总统奥巴马在官方晚宴上的致辞
Remarks by Thai Prime Minister Shinawatra and US President Obama at an Official Dinner
NO.19 奥巴马总统感恩节致辞
Remarks of President Barack Obama on Thanksgiving Day
NO.20 美国总统奥巴马在诺贝尔和平奖颁奖典礼上的讲话
Remarks by U S.President Obama at the Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize
NO.21 奥巴马总统向全美中小学生致辞
Remarks by President Obama to All Pupils
NO.22 奥巴马总统麻省总医院成3-200周年致辞
Obama''s Speech on 200th Anniversary of Massachusetts General Hospital
NO.23 奥巴马总统父亲节致辞
Obama''s Remarks on Father''s Day
NO.24 克林顿在马丁·路德·金夫人葬礼上的讲话
Clinton''s Remarks on Mrs King''s Funeral
NO.25 布什总统的圣诞致辞
President Buash''s Addtess 0n Christmas Eve
第三章 辩论篇
NO.26 2012年美国总统大选第一场辩论
The First Presidential Debate of 2012
NO.27 2012年美国总统大选第二场辩论
The Second Presidential Debate of 2012
NO.28 2012年美国总统大选第三场辩论
The Third Presidential Debate of 2012
第四章 访谈篇
NO.29 选举日:奥巴马在芝加哥家中接受采访
Election Day:The Interview to Mr.Obama''s at His Own Home in Chicago
NO.30 奥巴马:我想要的生日礼物是美国债务上限的法案
Obama:I Want a Debt Ceiling Deal for My Birthday