內容簡介: |
Joel Glassman , Masato Kimura , and Shuming Zhao
Introduction for Section 1: Entrepreneurs and Modernization
Masato Kimura
Shibusawa Eiichi''s Leadership in the Modernization of Japan
Masato Kimura, Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation
Pioneer of China''s Scientific Management: On Ouchu Mu''s Management
Min Ma, Hua Zhong Normal University
Entrepreneurs and American Economic Development
Maury Klein, University of Rhode Island
Corporate Management and Sustainability--Learning from Japan''s
Oldest Companies
Haruo Funabashi, Sirius Institute
Introduction for Section 2: Entrepreneurship and the State
Joel Glassman
City, State and Entrepreneurship. The Case of Shanghai Around the Turn
of the Last Century
Debin Ma, London School of Economics
Government Regulations and the Role of Entrepreneurs in China
Qianwen Li , Shuming Zhao , Nanjing University
Entrepreneurs and Taxation Policy in the U. S.
Donald Bruce, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Introduction for Section 3: Entrepreneurship in a Global Economy
Shuming Zhao
Entrepreneurs in Pacific Rim Trade
Charles Harvie, University of Woolongong
Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility in China
Shuming Zhao, Nanjing University
Entrepreneurship and the Global Environment
Takeo Kikkawa, Hitotsubashi University
Entrepreneurs and States: Some Concluding Observations on Comparative
Entrepreneurship and Industrialisation from Japan, China and the United
Janet Hunter