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書城自編碼: 2264662
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→政治/軍事政治
作者: 黄光华 主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787119086477
出版社: 外文出版社
出版日期: 2013-12-01

書度/開本: 大16开

售價:NT$ 725



** 我創建的書架 **

Where Will the CPC Go Following Its 18th CPC
National Congress?
Chapter 1 Does the CPC Still Believe in Communism?
Why does the CPC hold high the banner
of socialism with Chinese characteristics?
Is socialism with Chinese characteristics
still true socialism?
What is the difference between socialism
with Chinese characteristics and
democratic socialism?
Why are the guiding thoughts
of the CPC constantly adjusted?
Chapter 2 Who Will Accomplish the Mission of the CPC?
How does the CPC admit new Party members?
How does the CPC select and appoint cadres?
How are the top CPC leaders elected?
What is the policy of personnel management
that the CPC pursues?
Chapter 3 What If Dissenting Voices Arise Inside the CPC?
What is the organizational principle
of the CPC?
How does the CPC develop intra-Party
Why does the CPC constantly strengthen
its discipline?
How does the CPC exercise its leadership?
Chapter 4 Where Does the CPC''s Advanced Nature
Come From?
Once advanced, always advanced?
What factors does the CPC depend
on to maintain its advanced nature?
Can the CPC check corruption?
Where Will China Go After the 18th CPC
National Congress?
Chapter 5 Will Chinas Economy Continue to Grow?
Why can Chinas economy maintain
rapid long-term growth?
Does Chinas economy still have potential
to grow?
How will China update its economy?
Chapter 6 Where Will China Go in Reforming
Its Political Structure?
What is "Chinese-style democracy"?
Why does China not adopt the multi-
party system?
Why does China not apply the separation
of powers?
Is law-based governance compatible with
the Party''s leadership?
Is elective democracy the only legitimate form?
How do the Chinese people participate in
and deliberate on state affairs?
Chapter 7 How Should Its People Build China into
a Cultural Power?
What kind of a cultural power does China
want to become?
Will an emphasis on core values affect
cultural diversity?
Can cultural freedom and cultural
responsibility be unified?
Will China engage in "exporting its culture"?
Chapter 8 Can China Really Build a Harmonious Society?
What kind of changes have occurred
in Chinese society?
What is the CPC''s philosophy for social
How does the Communist Party of China
resolve the issue of employment?
What kind of social insurance system
is China to build?
Will China really take action to change
the current structure of interests?
Chapter 9 How Can We Make China Beautiful?
Focusing on ecological progress:
no alternative or strategic choice?
Building a beautiful China: lip service,
or a real commitment?
Fighting climate change: good faith or fake?
How Should Chinas Relationship with the Rest
of the World Progress After the 18th CPC
National Congress?
Chapter 10 How Should China Advance on Its Road
of Peaceful Development?
Will China genuinely take the road of
peaceful development?
Will China continue its commitment to
a non-aggressive national defense policy?
Does Chinas peaceful development have
a "bottom line principle"?
Chapter 11 Can China Really Achieve Win-Win Results
with Other Countries?
Has China slowed down the pace of opening
up to the outside world?
What is Chinas view of trade liberalization?
What would happen in the case of trade
friction with other countries?
Why does China attach no conditions to
its foreign aid?
Is China engaging in neo-colonialism
in Africa?
Chapter 12 What Role Will China Play as a New Power?
Will China adjust its policies of
"non-interference" and "non-alignment"?
Will all-out confrontation occur between
China and the USA?
Does China intend to "keep friendly
relations with distant states and attack
its neighbors"?
Will China continue to speak for developing
What kind of international order does
China advocate?



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