Chapter One The Writing Process
1.1 Addressing the question
1.2 Planning a piece of writing
1.3 Developing style
1.4 Editing, presentation, and proof-reading
Chapter Two Essay Structure
2.1 Types of essays
2.2 Functions of essays
2.3 Hamburger-like essays
Chapter Three Diction
3.1 Levels of words
3.2 Choice of words
3.3 Common problems and countermeasures
3.4 Figures of speech
Chapter Four Sentence Writing
4.1 Elements of a sentence
4.2 Criteria for effective sentence
4.3 Common problems in sentences
Chapter Five Paragraph Writing
5.1 The beginning, middle and end paragraph
5.2 Criteria for effective paragraph
5.3 Elements of paragraph
5.4 Paragraph supporting
Chapter Six Cohesion and Coherence in Texts
6.1 Cohesion
6.2 Coherence
Chapter Seven Understanding and Using Tables and Figures
7.1 Brief introduction
7.2 Understanding and using tables
7.3 Understanding and using figures
Chapter Eight Research Paper Writing
8.1 Preparing a research paper
8.2 Organizational parts of a research paper
8.3 Self-check questions
Chapter Nine IELTS Writing
9.1 Top ten questions for IELTS learners
9.2 IELTS writing task one
9.3 IELTS writing task two
9.4 Model essays
Chapter Ten Punctuation and Capitalization
10.1 Types of punctuation marks
10.2 Capitalization
Chapter Eleven Bibliography and Reference
11.1 The difference between a bibliography and reference
11.2 Acknowledging the sources of information
11.3 Creating a reference list or bibliography
11.4 Format of bibliography
11.5 Referencing and writing guides
Chapter Twelve Writing Under Time Constraints
12.1 Types
12.2 Strategies
12.3 Procedure
12.4 Writing the summary-and-response essay