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書城自編碼: 2251351
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: [美]Stephen J. Chapman[斯蒂芬 J. 查
國際書號(ISBN): 9787121224409
出版社: 电子工业出版社
出版日期: 2014-02-01
版次: 5 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 544/1011000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 702



** 我創建的書架 **

Chapter 1 Introduction to Machinery Principles
1.1 Electrical Machines, Transformers, and Daily Life
1.2 A Note on Units and Notation
1.3 Rotational Motion, Newton’s Law, and Power Relationships
1.4 The Magnetic Field
1.5 Faraday’s Law—Induced Voltage from a Time-Changing Magnetic Field
1.6 Production of Induced Force on a Wire
1.7 Induced Voltage on a Conductor Moving in a Magnetic Field
1.8 The Linear DC Machine—A Simple Example
1.9 Real, Reactive, and Apparent Power in Single-phase AC Circuits
1.10 Summary
Chapter 2 Transformers
2.1 Why Transformers are Important to Modern Life
2.2 Types and Construction of Transformers
2.3 The Ideal Transformer
2.4 Theory of Operation of Real Single-Phase Transformers
2.5 The Equivalent Circuit of a Transformer
2.6 The Per-Unit System of Measurements
2.7 Transformer Voltage Regulation and Efficiency
2.8 Transformer Taps and Voltage Regulation
2.9 The Autotransformer
2.10 Three-Phase Transformers
2.11 Three-Phase Transformation Using Two Transformers
2.12 Transformer Ratings and Related Problems
2.13 Instrument Transformers
2.14 Summary
Chapter 3 Ac Machinery Fundamentals
3.1 A Simple Loop in a Uniform Magnetic Field
3.2 The Rotating Magnetic Field
3.3 Magnetomotive Force and Flux Distribution on AC Machines
3.4 Induced Voltage in AC Machines
3.5 Induced Torque in an AC Machine
3.6 Winding Insulation in an AC Machine
3.7 AC Machine Power Flows and Losses
3.8 Voltage Regulation and Speed Regulation
3.9 Summary
Chapter 4 Synchronous Generators
4.1 Synchronous Generator Construction
4.2 The Speed of Rotation of a Synchronous Generator
4.3 The Internal Generated Voltage of a Synchronous Generator
4.4 The Equivalent Circuit of a Synchronous Generator
4.5 The Phasor Diagram of a Synchronous Generator
4.6 Power and Torque in Synchronous Generators
4.7 Measuring Synchronous Generator Model Parameters
4.8 The Synchronous Generator Operating Alone
4.9 Parallel Operation of AC Generators
4.10 Synchronous Generator Transients
4.11 Synchronous Generator Ratings
4.12 Summary
Chapter 5 Synchronous Motors
5.1 Basic Principles of Motor Operation
5.2 Steady-State Synchronous Motor Operation
5.3 Starting Synchronous Motors
5.4 Synchronous Generators and Synchronous Motors
5.5 Synchronous Motor Ratings
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 Induction Motors
6.1 Induction Motor Construction
6.2 Basic Induction Motor Concepts
6.3 The Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor
6.4 Power and Torque in Induction MotorS
6.5 Induction Motor Torque–Speed Characteristics
6.6 Variations in Induction Motor Torque–speed Characteristics
6.7 Trends in Induction Motor Design
6.8 Starting Induction Motors
6.9 Speed Control of Induction Motors
6.10 Solid-State Induction Motor Drives
6.11 Determining Circuit Model Parameters
6.12 The Induction Generator
6.13 induction motor ratings
6.14 Summary
Chapter 7 Dc Machinery Fundamentals
7.1 A Simple Rotating Loop between Curved Pole Faces
7.2 Commutation in a Simple Four-Loop DC Machine
7.3 Commutation and Armature Construction in Real DC Machines
7.4 Problems with Commutation in Real Machines
7.5 The Internal Generated Voltage and Induced Torque Equations of Real DC Machines
7.6 The Construction of DC Machines
7.7 Power Flow and Losses in DC Machines
7.8 Summary
Chapter 8 Dc Motors And Generators
8.1 Introduction to DC Motors
8.2 The Equivalent Circuit of a DC Motor
8.3 The Magnetization Curve of a DC Machine
8.4 Separately Excited and Shunt DC Motors
8.5 The Permanent-Magnet DC Motor
8.6 The Series DC Motor
8.7 The Compounded DC Motor
8.8 DC Motor Starters
8.9 The Ward-Leonard System and Solid-State Speed Controllers
8.10 DC Motor Efficiency Calculations
8.11 Introduction to DC Generators
8.12 The Separately Excited Generator
8.13 The Shunt DC Generator
8.14 The Series DC Generator
8.15 The Cumulatively Compounded DC Generator
8.16 The Differentially Compounded DC Generator
8.17 Summary
Chapter 9 Single-Phase and Special-Purpose Motors
9.1 The Universal Motor
9.2 Introduction to Single-Phase Induction Motors
9.3 Starting Single-Phase Induction Motors
9.4 Speed Control of Single-Phase Induction Motors
9.5 The Circuit Model of a Single-Phase Induction Motor
9.6 Other Types of Motors
9.7 Summary
Chapter A Three-Phase Circuits
A.1 Generation of Three-Phase Voltages and Currents
A.2 Voltages and Currents in a Three-Phase Circuit
A.3 Power Relationships in Three-Phase Circuits
A.4 Analysis of Balanced Three-Phase Systems
A.5 One-Line Diagrams
A.6 Using the Power Triangle
Chapter B Coil Pitch and Distributed Windings
B.1 The Effect of Coil Pitch on AC Machines
B.2 Distributed Windings in AC Machines
B.3 Summary
Chapter C Salient-Pole Theory of Synchronous Machines
C.1 Development of the Equivalent Circuit of a Salient-Pole Synchronous Generator
C.2 Torque and Power Equations of a Salient-Pole Machines
Chapter D Tables of Constants and Conversion Factors
Stephen J. Chapman received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Louisiana State University 1975 and an M.S.E. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Central Florida 1979, and pursued further graduate studies at Rice University.
From 1975 to 1980, he served as an officer in the U.S. Navy, assigned to teach electrical engineering at the U.S. Naval Nuclear Power School in Orlando, Florida. From 1980 to 1982, he was affiliated with the University of Houston, where he ran the power systems program in the College of Technology.
From 1982 to 1988 and from 1991 to 1995, he served as a member of the technical staff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory, both at the main facility in Lexington, Massachusetts, and at the field site on Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. While there, he did research in radar signal processing systems. He ultimately became the leader of four large operational range instrumentation radars at the Kwajalein field site TRADEX, ALTAIR, ALCOR, and MMW.
From 1988 to 1991, Mr. Chapman was a research engineer for Shell Development Company in Houston, Texas, where he did seismic signal processing research. He was also affiliated with the University of Houston, where he continued to teach on a part-time basis.
Mr. Chapman is currently manager of systems modeling and operational analysis for BAE Systems Australia, in Melbourne.
Mr. Chapman is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and several of its component societies. He is also a member of Engineers Australia.

前 言

本教材不教授MATLAB ,认为学生通过以前的学习已经熟悉了其使用方法。同时,本书也不依赖于学生是否有MATLAB软件。如果有MATLAB可以使用,则可以充实学习经历。但如果没有MATLAB可用,则只需要跳过涉及MATLAB的例题,本教材其余部分的安排仍然是合理的。
Ashoka K.S. Bhat,University of Victoria
William Butuk,Lakehead University
Shaahin Filizadeh,University of Manitoba
Jesús Fraile-Ardanuy,Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Riadh Habash,University of Ottawa
Floyd Henderson,Michigan Technological University
Rajesh Kavasseri,North Dakota State University
Ali Keyhani,The Ohio State University
Andrew Knight,University of Alberta
Xiaomin Kou,University of Wisconsin–Platteville
Ahmad Nafisi,California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Subhasis Nandi,University of Victoria
M. Hashem Nehrir,Montana State University–Bozeman
Ali Shaban,California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Kuang Sheng,Rutgers University
Barna Szabados,McMaster University
Tristan J. Tayag,Texas Christian University
Rajiv K. Varma,The University of Western Ontario
Stephen J. Chapman,Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

n the years since the first edition of Electric Machinery Fundamentals was published, there has been rapid advance in the development of larger and more sophisticated solid-state motor drive packages. The first edition of this book stated that dc motors were the method of choice for demanding variable-speed applications. That statement is no longer true today. Now, the system of choice for speed control applications is most often an ac induction motor with a solid-state motor drive. DC motors have been largely relegated to special-purpose applications where a dc power source is readily available, such as in automotive electrical systems.
The third edition of the book was extensively restructured to reflect these changes. The material on ac motors and generators is now covered in Chapters 3 through 6, before the material on dc machines. In addition, the dc machinery coverage was reduced compared to earlier editions. This edition continues with this same basic structure.
In addition, the former Chapter 3 on solid-state electronics has been deleted from the fifth edition. Feedback from users has indicated that that material was too detailed for a quick overview, and not detailed enough for a solid-state electronics course. Since very few instructors were using this material, it has been removed from this edition and added as a supplement on the book’s website. Any instructor or student wishing to continue using the material in this chapter can freely download it.
Learning objectives have been added to the beginning of each chapter toenhance student learning.
Chapter 1 provides an introduction to basic machinery concepts, and concludes by applying those concepts to a linear dc machine, which is the simplest possible example of a machine. Chapter 2 covers transformers, which are not rotating machines, but which share many similar analysis techniques.
After Chapter 2, an instructor may choose to teach either dc or ac machinery first. Chapters 3 through 6 cover ac machinery, and Chapters 7 and 8 cover dc machinery. These chapter sequences have been made completely independent of each other, so that an instructor can cover the material in the order which best suits his or her needs. For example, a one-semester course with a primary concentration in ac machinery might consist of parts of Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, with any remaining time devoted to dc machinery. A one-semester course with a primary concentration in dc machinery might consist of parts of Chapters 1, 2, 7, and 8, with any remaining time devoted to ac machinery. Chapter 9 is devoted to single-phase and special-purpose motors, such as universal motors, stepper motors, brushless dc motors, and shaded-pole motors.
The homework problems and the ends of chapters have been revised and corrected, and more than 70% of the problems are either new or modified since the last edition.
In recent years, there have been major changes in the methods used to teach machinery to electrical engineering and electrical technology students. Excellent analytical tools such as MATLAB® have become widely available in university engineering curricula. These tools make very complex calculations simple to perform, and they allow students to explore the behavior of problems interactively. This edition of Electric Machinery Fundamentals makes selected use of MATLAB to enhance a student’s learning experience where appropriate. For example, students use MATLAB in Chapter 6 to calculate the torque–speed characteristics of induction motors, and to explore the properties of double-cage induction motors.
This text does not teach MATLAB; it assumes that the student is familiar with it through previous work. Also, the book does not depend on a student having MATLAB. MATLAB provides an enhancement to the learning experience if it is available, but if it is not, the examples involving MATLAB can simply be skipped, and the remainder of the text still makes sense.
This book would never have been possible without the help of dozens of people over the past 25 years. It is gratifying for me to see the book still popular after all that time, and much of that is due to the excellent feedback provided by reviewers. For this edition, I would especially like to thank:

Ashoka K.S. Bhat
University of Victoria
William Butuk
Lakehead University
Shaahin Filizadeh
University of Manitoba
Jesús Fraile-Ardanuy
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Riadh Habash
University of Ottawa
Floyd Henderson
Michigan Technological University
Rajesh Kavasseri
North Dakota State University
Ali Keyhani
The Ohio State University
Andrew Knight
University of Alberta
Xiaomin Kou
University of Wisconsin–Platteville Ahmad Nafisi
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Subhasis Nandi
University of Victoria
M. Hashem Nehrir
Montana State University–Bozeman
Ali Shaban
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Kuang Sheng
Rutgers University
Barna Szabados
McMaster University
Tristan J. Tayag
Texas Christian University
Rajiv K. Varma
The University of Western Ontario
Stephen J. Chapman
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia



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