內容簡介: |
It’s Mouse’s birthday! What should he eat? Muffins, or maybe a
pancake? How about a cupcake? No, Mouse knows what he wants--a
關於作者: |
Laura Numeroff is the author of many books for young readers
in addition to the If You Give . . . series, including The Chicken
Sisters and Laura Numeroff''s 10-Step Guide To Living With Your
Monster. She loves to play tennis and travel and lives in Los
Angeles, California.
A portion of her royalties will be donated to First Book, a
national nonprofit organization that promotes children’s literacy.
Laura Numeroff, autora de numerosos libros para ni?os, entre los
que se incluye la conocida serie Si le das . . . , The Chicken
Sister y Laura Numeroff''s 10-Step Guide to Living with Your
Monster. Vive en Los Angeles, California, donde le encanta montar a
caballo, leer biografías y jugar con sus mascotas. Parte de las
regalías obtenidas por este libro serán donadas a First Book, una
organización nacional sin ánimo de lucro que promueve el amor por
la lectura.