編輯推薦: |
Kindergarten-Grade 2-Poor Pip Squeak, a long-nosed, beady-eyed
mouse, can''t sleep because his roof is leaking. As he lies in bed,
first a drip hits him on his head, then his foot, and then his chin
until his bed is covered with pots and pans. As the leaks multiply,
the water fills all of his containers from tub to shoe, from hat to
glass, until finally the weary rodent''s home is nearly submerged.
Just as he hangs his head in defeat, the sun comes out and the
drips stop as suddenly as they
內容簡介: |
Rain, Rain Go Away
It''s raining, and Pip Squeak''s roof is leaking. He tries to catch
the water with pots, pans, cups, and cans -- he even tries using a
shoe! But the drips and the drops just won''t stop. What will Pip
Squeak do?
關於作者: |
Sarah Weeks is the singer, songwriter, and author of the
best-selling picture books with tapes Crocodile Smile and Follow
the Moon. Guy Wire is the fourth novel in the highly successful
middle-grade series that includes Regular Guy, Guy Time, and My
Guy, which is in development to be a feature film. Sarah Weeks
lives in New York City with her two sons.