內容簡介: |
Knowing how important it is to look absolutely fabulous on
school picture day, Nancy has prepared her outfit weeks ago. But,
picking out a hairstyle slipped her mind! The night before the big
day, Nancy decides that no simple hairdo will do - only a haircut
will make the cut. Disaster ensues in this hysterical, easy to read
Fancy Nancy book.
關於作者: |
Jane O''Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser are the author and
illustrator of the #1 New York Times bestselling Fancy Nancy
series. Jane lives with her family in New York City. Robin lives
with her family in Southern California. Desde la publicación de
Nancy la Elegante, el clóset de Jane O’Connor cuenta con tantas
boas, coronas y atuendos brillantes que a veces sus amigas no la
reconocen por la calle. Aún reside esa es una palabra elegante
para decir que vive en la ciudad de Nueva York con su familia y su
compa?ero canino, Arrow.