內容簡介: |
A rotting hull of a ship...lost gold...coins...gems..."Sunken
Treasure "Today treasure hunting is a big business. Searchers use
metal detectors and sonar to locate treasure on the ocean floor.
Divers use high-powered machinery to uncover objects buried in the
sand and to raise them to the surface. And more than just treasures
are discovered. A whole window into the past is opened up. A
salvage can take months or even years. But it''s worth it
關於作者: |
Gail Gibbons, author of more than one hundred books, is the
winner of the Washington PostChildren’s Book Guild Award for her
overall contribution to children’s nonfiction literature. Called a
“master of picture book nonfiction” by ALA Booklist, Ms. Gibbons
has a special talent for making complex subjects understandable and
entertaining for young readers.