編輯推薦: |
The missing piece sat alone
waiting for someone
to come along
and take it somewhere....
The different ones it encounters - and what it discovers in its
helplessness - are portrayed with simplicity and compassion in the
words and drawings of Shel Silverstein.
The wedge-shaped hero of The Missing Piece waits in vain for
the right someone to appear, until a complete circle the Big O
shows it how to gather its own momentum.
內容簡介: |
The missing piece sat alone waiting for someone to come along
and take it somewhere...
The different ones it encounters - and what it discovers in its
helplessness - are portrayed with simplicity and compassion in the
words and drawings of Shel Silverstein.
關於作者: |
Shel Silverstein is the author-artist of many beloved books of
prose and poetry. He was a cartoonist, playwright, poet, performer,
recording artist, and Grammy-winning, Oscar-nominated
And now, children, your Uncle Shelby is going to tell you a story
about a very strange lion -- in fact, the strangest lion I have
ever met."" So begins one of Shel Silverstein''s very first
children''s books, Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back. It''s funny and
sad and has made readers laugh and think ever since it was
published in 1963.