內容簡介: |
Jeff Brown’s beloved stories about the boy who was flattened by
a bulletin board so that he could travel by mail, fly like a kite,
and capture sneak thieves comes to contemporary life in rebranded
and freshly illustrated repackaged editions. In this celebrated
follow-up to Flat Stanley, Stanley finds that he’s turned flat
again, but learns to make the best of it by becoming a sail in a
boat race, and rescuing a classmate from the rubble of a collapsed
building. A flat boy’s work is never done!
關於作者: |
Jeff Brown created the beloved character of Flat Stanley as a
bedtime story for his sons. He has written other outrageous books
about the Lambchop family, including Flat Stanley, Stanley and the
Magic Lamp, Invisible Stanley, Stanley''s Christmas Adventure,
Stanley in Space, and Stanley, Flat Again!