內容簡介: |
The present book strives for clarity and transparency. Right
from the begin-ning, it requires from the reader a willingness to
deal with abstract concepts, as well as a considerable measure of
self-initiative. For these e,rts, the reader will be richly
rewarded in his or her mathematical thinking abilities, and will
possess the foundation needed for a deeper penetration into
mathematics and its applications.
This book is the first volume of a three volume introduction to
analysis. It de- veloped from. courses that the authors have taught
over the last twenty six years at the Universities of Bochum, Kiel,
Zurich, Basel and Kassel. Since we hope that this book will be used
also for self-study and supplementary reading, we have included far
more material than can be covered in a three semester sequence.
This allows us to provide a wide overview of the subject and to
present the many beautiful and important applications of the
theory. We also demonstrate that mathematics possesses, not only
elegance and inner beauty, but also provides efficient methods for
the solution of concrete problems.
Chapter Ⅰ Foundations
1 Fundamentals of Logic
2 Sets
Elementary Facts
The Power Set
Complement, Intersection and Union
Families of Sets
3 Functions,
Simple Examples
Composition of Functions
Commutative Diagrams
Injections, Surjections and Bijections
Inverse Functions
Set Valued Functions
4 Relations and Operations
Equivalence Relations
Order Relations
5 The Natural Numbers
The Peano Axioms
The Arithmetic of Natural Numbers
The Division Algorithm
The Induction Principle
Recursive Definitions
6 Countability
Equinumerous Sets
Countable Sets
Infinite Products
7 Groups and Homomorphisms
8 R.ings, Fields and Polynomials
The Binomial Theorem
The Multinomial Theorem
Ordered Fields
Formal Power Series
Polynomial Functions
Division of Polynomiajs
Linear Factors
Polynomials in Several Indeterminates
9 The Rational Numbers
The Integers
The Rational Numbers
Rational Zeros of Polynomials
Square Roots
10 The Real Numbers
Order Completeness
Dedekind''s Construction of the Real Numbers
The Natural Order on R
The Extended Number Line
A Characterization of Supremum and Infimum
The Archimedean Property
The Density of the Rational Numbers in R
nth Roots
The Density of the Irrational Numbers in R
Chapter Ⅱ Convergence
Chapter Ⅲ Continuous Functions
Chapter Ⅳ Differentiation in One Variable
Chapter Ⅴ Sequences of Functions
Appendix Introduction to Mathematical Logic