內容簡介: |
Sweeping and important.... Provides a fascinating vision of
justice and history. --The Washington Post Book World
From the head of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission comes a
landmark study of the ways in which prejudice has shaped American
justice from the Civil War era to the present. With an ear tuned to
the social subtext of every judicial decision, Mary Frances Berry
examines a century''s worth of appellate cases, ranging from a
nineteenth-century Alabama case in which a white woman was denied
her divorce petition because an affair between a white man her
husband and a black woman his lover was "of no consequence," to
such recent, high-profile cases as the William Kennedy Smith and
O.J. Simpson trials. By turns shocking, moving, ironic, and tragic,
each tale ends in the laying down of law. And because the law
perpetuates myths of race, gender, and class, they are stories that
affect the lives of us all.