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書城自編碼: 2223877
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語行业英语
作者: 王毅 主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787040221282
出版社: 高等教育出版社
出版日期: 2011-12-01
版次: 2 印次: 7
頁數/字數: 225/360000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 303



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Unit 1 How Does One Become a Secretary?
Section 1 Being Interviewed
Section 2 Preparing an Interview
Section 3 Writing a Letter of Application and Resume
Section 4 Getting Some Knowledge of a Secretary
Unit 2 How Does a Secretary Work at the Office?
Section 1 Meeting the Office Staff
Section 2 Getting Along Well with One'' s Boss and Colleagues
Section 3 Getting Some Knowledge of English Lette 1
Section 4 Getting Some Knowledge of Business Etiquette 1
Unit 3 How Does a Secretary Manage HisHer Office Efficiently?
Section 1 Bringing Order to the Office
Section 2 Keeping Your Office Green
Section 3 Organizing Your Office
Section 4 Managing Records Effectively
Unit 4 How Does a Secretary Receive Visito?
Section 1 Dealing with Visito
Section 2 Being Courteous and Efficient
Section 3 Get Some Knowledge of English Lette 2
Section 4 Get Some Knowledge of Business Etiquette 2
Unit 5 How Does a Secretary Handle Phone Calls?
Section 1 Making and Awering Phone Calls
Section 2 Telephoning Effectively
Section 3 Writing a Letter of Introduction
Section 4 Being Diplomatic 1
Unit 6 How Does a Secretary File Effectively?
Section 1 Doing Filing
Section 2 Filing Effectively
Section 3 Writing a Letter of Congratulatio
Section 4 Being Diplomatic 2
Unit 7 How Does a Secretary Deal with Meetings?
Section | Taking Minutes at a Meeting
Section 2 Learning How to Take Minutes
Section 3 Writing a Letter of Invitation 1
Section 4 Preparing a Meeting
Unit 8 How Does a Secretary Host Visito from Abroad?
Section 1 Hosting American Visito
Section 2 Being Dignified and Gracious
Section 3 Writing a Letter of Invitation 2
Section 4 Getting to Know Christianity l
Unit 9 How Does a Secretary Deal with Speeches ?
Section 1 Interpreting at a Banquet
Section 2 Learning Speeches
Section 3 Writing Ceremonial Speeches 1
Section 4 Getting to Know Christianity 2
Unit 10 How Does a Secretary Make Arrangements for Business?
Section 1 Making an Itinerary
Section 2 Planning Effectively
Section 3 Writing Ceremonial Speeches 2
Section 4 Getting to Know Islam l
Unit 11 How Does a Secretary Make Reservatio?
Section | Booking Airline Tickets
Section 2 Booking Effectively
Section 3 Writing Memos
Section 4 Getting to Know Islam 2
Unit 12 How Does a Secretary Become an Efficient Guide ?
Section 1 Visiting the Great Wall
Section 2 Being a Good Guide
Section 3 Learning How to Make an Agenda
Section 4 Getting to Know Buddhism
Unit 13 How Does a Secretary Become a Learned
International Business Peon?
Section 1 Talking about International Trade
Section 2 Getting to Know What is INCOTERMS
Section 3 Learning How to Get Paid in International Trade
Section 4 Getting to Know Import and Export Documentation
Unit 14 How Does a Secretary Interpret During Negotiatio?
Section 1 Acting as an Interpreter in Negotiatio
Section 2 Interpreting Effectively
Section 3 Writing a Letter of Condolence
Section 4 Speaking English with Correct Pronunciation and
Intonation 1
Unit 15 How Does a Secretary Deal with a Business Contract?
Section 1 Talking about a Contract Draft
Section 2 Getting Some Knowledge of a Business Contract
Section 3 Learning How to Draft a Business Contract
Section 4 Speaking English with Correct Pronunciation and
Intonation 2
Unit 16 How Does a Secretary Guide the Guests to Go Shopping in
Section 1 Making Purchases
Section 2 Being Jack ofAll Trades and Master ofNone
Section 3 Writing a Letter of Thanks1
Section 4 Being a Calligrapher ofEnglish Handwriting
Unit 17 How Does a Secretary Say Goodbye Impressively?
Section 1 Seeing Guests offattheAirport
Section 2 Saying Goodbye Impressively
Section 3 Writing a Letter of Thanks2
Section 4 GettingMoreInformation aboutBeing a Secretary
附录一 英语单元音和双元音对照表
附录二 名言、古训
附录三 常用缩略词对照表
附录四 剑桥国际考试·剑桥秘书技能执业证书·沟通和项目管理2级1999年考试样卷
附录五 剑桥国际考试·剑桥秘书技能执业证书·办公室管理2级1999年考试样卷



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