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書城自編碼: 2221875
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 陈建平 编著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787040286250
出版社: 高等教育出版社
出版日期: 2011-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 237/355000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 257



** 我創建的書架 **

Unit 1 Language, Culture and Society-An Introduction to the Coue
Undetanding Language as Communication
The Study of Language and Society
The Study of Language and Culture
The Structure of This Coue
Unit 2 Language and Dialect
Undetanding Language and Dialect
The Complexity of Language vs. Dialect
Intelligibility vs. Political Boundaries
The Standard Dialect
The Structural vs. tile Functional Views
Case Analysis:Dialectal Differences in Chinese
Unit 3 Language and Nation
Undetanding Language and Nation
The National Language
National vs. Official Languages
Official vs. Working Languages
Case Analysis:Language and Political Conflicts in the European
Unit 4 Bilingualism and Multilingualism
Undetanding Monolingualism vs. Bilingualism
Prejudices Agait Bilingualism and Language Diveity
Positive Attitudes Favoring Linguistic Diveity
Academic Models of Bilingualism
Case Analysis:Discussing the Trilingual Situation in Hong Kong
Unit 5 World Englishes
Undetanding the Main Varieties of English
British English
American English
Second Language Varieties of English
Models of International English
Case Analysis:Is There a Variety of Chinese English?
Unit 6 Language and Social Variation
Undetanding Language and Variation
Language Variation and Social Attitude
Language and Social Stratification
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Identity
Case Analysis:Language and Social Changes in China
Unit 7 Language and Gender
Undetanding Gender Differences in Language Use
The Sociolinguistic Studies of Gender Pattern
The Dominance Approach
The DifferenceDual-culture Approach
Alternative Strategies for Language Use in the US
Case Analysis:Dangerous English
Unit 8 Language Style and Register
Undetanding Stylistic Variatio of Language
Language and Stylistic Variation
Language and Occupation
Halliday''s Theory of Register
Case Analysis:The Language of Science and Language of Economics
Unit 9 Speech Acts
Undetanding the Concept of Speech Act
Classificatign of Speech Acts
The Notion of Speech Act Set and Its Cross-cultural Studies
Case Analysis:Different Cultures, Different SpeechAct Sets
Unit 10 Language and Politeness
Undetanding Politeness in the Use of Language
The Notion of Face and Politeness
Face and Communication Strategies
Politeness Strategies of Involvement and Independence
Case Analysis:Cultural Differences in Expressing Sympathy
Unit 11 Language and Cultural Thought Patter
Undetanding Different Cultural Patter of Thought
The Characteristics of Culture
Language and Cultural Thought Patter
The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
The Intriic Relatiohip of Language and Culture
Case Analysis:Cultural Undetanding of Lexical Items
Unit 12 Language and Cultural Contexts
Undetanding the Differences of Cultural Contexts
High vs. Low Cultural Context
Individualistic vs. Collectivistic Cultural Context
Case Analysis:Cultural Context and Discoue
Unit 13 Culture and Discoue Patter
Undetanding Cultural Differences in Discoue
Culture and Discoue
Cultural Patter of Discoue
Chinese EFL Students'' Characteristic Paragraph and Essay
Case Analysis:How to Tell When Someone l''s Saying “No''?”
Unit 14 Learning Language as Communication
Implicatio for Foreign Language Learning
Important Features of Communication
The Relatiohip Between Communication and Culture
Dimeio of Communicative Differences Across Cultures
Defining a Competent Communicator
Implicatio for Language TeachingLearning Practice
Suggested Readings for the Coue



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