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內容簡介: |
Unit 1 College Life
Unit 2 Learning to Learn
Unit 3 Computer and Internet
Unit 4 Personality and Interpersonal Relationships
Unit 5 Stress and Mental Health
Unit 6 Food and Health
Unit 7 Sports
Unit 8 Art and Music
Unit 9 Holidays and Celebrations
Unit 10 Travel and Tourism
Unit 11 Jobs
Unit 12 Great People
Moving to college and adjusting to college life can be
anoverwhelming experience, specially if you havent been
acquaintedwith the campus before.
For those of you who are living on campus, after moving all of
yourbelonging into the residence hall, you should try to make a
personaltour around the campus. This will make for an easier
transition onthe first day of class. Be sure to make a list of
places to find. For aninstance, you will want to find where and
when you can eat on thevarious places on campus.
If applied, find out where you need to go to put money on your
IDcard. Many universities offer a plan to place money on the
student IDcard; you can spend that money on laundry, local food
places, andeven the bookstore. You should also go to the bookstore
to find outwhat books you will need for your classes.
During the first weekend which the students move in, remember
thatevery student is in a same predicament and is adjusting to
collegedorm life just like you are. They dont have all of the
answers, butthey do have some. Compare notes with them. They may
havealready found the informations that you were looking for.
Its also encouraged to find a new person on the floor and find
waysto know them better, You might even want to go together to
findvarious offices and what each office offers to the students at