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『英文書』A to Z Mysteries: Collection #1 神秘事件合辑1 ISBN 9780375859465

書城自編碼: 2217508
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Ron Roy 著,John Steven Gurney 译
國際書號(ISBN): 9780375859465
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2010-05-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 358/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 452



** 我創建的書架 **

Help Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose solve their first four
A is for AUTHOR . . .
Dink writes to his favorite author, mystery writer Wallis Wallace,
and invites him to visit Green Lawn. Wonder of wonders, Wallace
says yes! In fact, the famous writer says that the only way he
won''t come is if he''s kidnapped. But when the big day comes, Wallis
Wallace is nowhere to be found. The police think he just missed his
plane, but Dink knows better. It''s up to Dink and his two best
friends, Josh and Ruth Rose, to find Wallace—before it''s too
B is for BANDIT . . .
A bandit has robbed the Green Lawn Savings Bank! Dink and his
friends Josh and Ruth Rose are ready to help. When a private
detective comes to Dink''s door looking for the kid who videotaped
the crime, the trio volunteers to find him. After all, there''s a
reward! But tracking down one red-headed kid isn''t such an easy
job, especially if he doesn''t want to be found. Dink and his
friends must find that kid—and his tape—before the bandit
C is for CANARY . . .
Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose get an urgent call from Mrs. David. Her
canary is gone! And that''s not all. Three other pets have
mysteriously disappeared—including Ruth Rose''s cat, Tiger! The kids
are sure a pet-napper is to blame. They won''t stop until they''ve
tracked down the thief and returned the stolen pets to their
rightful owners!
D is for DUNGEON . . .
Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are having a sleepover—in a castle!
Dink''s favorite mystery writer, Wallis Wallace, has invited them
for a visit. But as soon as they arrive, the kids start hearing
screams behind the walls. Wallis Wallace says not to worry, every
castle is haunted, but Dink isn''t so sure. Can they discover who—or
what—is haunting Moose Manor?
Ron Roy is the author of the popular A to Z Mysteries series,
which has sold more than 4.5 million copies, the Capital Mysteries
series, and the soon-to-be-published Calendar Mysteries series.
When not working on a new book, Ron likes to teach his dog tricks,
play poker with friends, travel, and read thrilling mystery books.
He lives in Connecticut with his white puppy, Pal.



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