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『英文書』You`re Broke Because You Want to Be(ISBN=9781592404292)

書城自編碼: 2215546
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Larry Winget 编
國際書號(ISBN): 9781592404292
出版社: Penguin
出版日期: 2008-12-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 204/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 516



** 我創建的書架 **

“Larry Winget is a great guy—he’s tough, talks straight, and
has a big heart. Read this book if you need a good kick in the
—Robert T. Kiyosaki, investor, entrepreneur, teacher, and author
of Rich Dad Poor Dad
“Go Winget, go! Larry tells it like it is in his trademark
style, and gets in your face to make you FACE your financial
reality or lack thereof. Stop thinking and acting broke, and get
with his program. It can change your life.”
—David Bach, author of the #1 New York Times
Now in paperback: The New York Times bestselling author and
star of AE’s reality series Big Spender, Larry Winget, cleans
up America’s personal finance crisis
More than 40 percent of families today are feeling financial
pressure: spending more than they earn, and worrying about retiring
and being dependent on the government, family, or charity. Larry
Winget knows. He grew up poor, then made and lost a fortune when a
business in which he’d invested went bankrupt. But he worked his
way back from rock bottom to become a multimillionaire.
In You’re Broke Because You Want to Be, Winget expands on the
ideas that have made his popular television show Big Spender a hit
and offers straightforward talk about coming to grips with your
finances, such as:
? Feel bad. Have remorse. You need to feel deep emotion to take
action. So start crying and take responsibility.
? Figure out who you owe and how much you owe. It’ll be a scary
number to face, but you need to know where you are and what you
? “People are stupid, lazy, or they don’t give a damn.” You
already know you need to do something; Larry will help you finally
do something.
? Are you more interested in looking cool and being cute or
providing a financially secure future for your family? How you
spend your money will tell you that. With a boot-camp regimen that
is steeped in personal accountability, Winget cuts through the
double-talk contained in most finance books and presents a simple,
guided program that is sure to motivate anyone out of their money
Larry Winget, known as the “Pitbull of
Personal Development,” is one of the country’s leading
business speakers and a member of the National Speakers Association
Hall of Fame. He is also the host of AE’s reality series
Big Spender and author of the New York Times
bestseller It’s Called Work for a Reason!



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