內容簡介: |
Completed in 1136, "The History of the Kings of Britain"
traces the story of the realm from its supposed foundation by
Brutus to the coming of the Saxons some two thousand years later.
Vividly portraying legendary and semi-legendary figures such as
Lear, Cymbeline, Merlin the magician and the most famous of all
British heroes, King Arthur, it is as much myth as it is history
and its veracity was questioned by other medieval writers. But
Geoffrey of Monmouth''s powerful evocation of illustrious men and
deeds captured the imagination of subsequent generations, and his
influence can be traced through the works of Malory, Shakespeare,
Dryden and Tennyson.
關於作者: |
Very little is known of Geoffrey of Monmouth. He seems to have
lived for a time in Oxford and in 1151 he became Bishop Elect of St
Asaph, North Wales. He was ordained at Westminster in 1152.
According to the Welsh Chronicles he died in 1155. Lewis Thorpe was
Professor of French at Nottingham University from 1958 to 1977. He
has published many books and articles on Arthur, both on the French
and English traditions. He died in 1977.