內容簡介: |
The Volcano Adventure Guide is the first book of its type. It
contains vital information for anyone wishing to visit, explore,
and photograph active volcanoes safely and enjoyably. Following an
introduction that discusses eruption styles of different types of
volcanoes, how to prepare for a volcano trip, and how to avoid
volcanic dangers, the book presents guides to visiting 42 different
volcanoes around the world. This section is packed full of
practical information including tour itineraries, maps,
transportation details, and warnings of possible non-volcanic
dangers. Three appendices at the end of the book direct the reader
to a wealth of further volcano resources. Aimed at non-specialist
readers who wish to explore volcanoes without being foolhardy, it
will fascinate amateur enthusiasts and professional volcanologists
alike. The stunning colour photographs throughout the book will
delight armchair travellers as well as inspire the adventurous to
get out and explore volcanoes for themselves.
Part I. Volcanoes of All Types
1. Choosing a volcano to visit
2. The basic facts about volcanoes
3. Volcanic eruptions
4. Visiting volcanoes safely
5. Preparing and planning a volcano adventure
Part II. Guides to Volcanoes
Introduction to the field guides
Volcanoes in Hawaii
Volcanoes in continental USA
Volcanoes in Italy
Volcanoes in Greece
Volcanoes in Iceland
Volcanoes in Costa Rica
Volcanoes in the West Indies
Appendix I. Useful information for preparing for a volcano
Appendix II. Tours to volcanoes
Appendix III. Bibliography and recommended reading; Glossary;