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『英文書』New Zealand`s South Island 2(ISBN=9781741799668)

書城自編碼: 2212310
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→旅游与地理 Travel Guide
作者: Brett Atkinson 等著
國際書號(ISBN): 9781741799668
出版社: Thames&Hudson
出版日期: 2010-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 436/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1003



** 我創建的書架 **

Lonely Planet knows New Zealand like our own backyard, and
this handy guide brings you the best of the country''s South Island
in one easy package. Let us help you discover the South''s most
breathtaking mountain roads, quietest off-the-beaten-track escapes
and best city experiences. Lonely Planet guides are written by
experts who get to the heart of every destination they visit. This
fully updated edition is packed with accurate, practical and honest
advice, designed to give you the information you need to make the
most of your trip. In This Guide: Comprehensive coverage of the
highlights and hidden secrets. Itineraries to inspire great skiing,
eating, wine-touring, driving or bushwalking experiences. Practical
information on getting around by car, bus, plane or camper van.
When you''re from New Zealand, most of the world''s a long way
away, so you''d better be prepared to jump on a plane on a regular
basis. Brett Atkinson first jumped on a plane and flew from
Auckland to Sydney when he was fifteen. A few well-travelled
decades later, he''s now been to more than 40 countries, discovered
a whole world of street food, and learnt how to order a beer in a
variety of languages. His career as a travel writer kicked off in
1995, when he scrawled a few articles extolling the virtues of
Vietnamese street food. Editors in New Zealand and Australia liked
his style, and for the next ten years Brett combined his scribbling
with a ''real job'' in advertising. Sandwiched in, around, and
sometimes over his life in adland, Brett''s had articles published
on more than 20 different countries, and in more than 30 New
Zealand and Australian magazines and newspapers. Fast forward to
2005, and he answered an ad from Lonely Planet in Wanderlust
magazine looking for guidebook authors. A successful application
later, and it was goodbye to the real job. During his work for
Lonely Planet Brett''s caught flying fish on the tiny Pacific nation
of Niue, negotiated a Skoda around a snow-covered Czech Republic,
and worked out how to get to off the beaten track Thai islands in
the rainy season. He''s also a big supporter of World Vision, and
has travelled to Cambodia to write about their positive impact.
When he''s not on the road for Lonely Planet, Brett''s based in
Auckland, and writes regularly about sport, entertainment and
travel for New Zealand magazines and online publications. Most
weekends you''ll find Brett and his wife Carol in an Auckland pub or
restaurant, planning their next trip.
Brett''s Favourite Place: A toss-up between San Francisco and
Travel Trip: For a relatively small sum in folding US$, you can
always find someone to give you a lift, anywhere in the world.



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