內容簡介: |
Isaacson, assistant managing editor of Time , has produced much more than another unauthorized biography, giving extensive insights into the younger years of Heinz Kissinger in Bavaria and how they shaped his character, his style in dealing with others, and his worldview. Over 150 interviews with Kissinger intimates, enemies, subordinates, and the man himself generate a less-than-flattering portrayal of the man behind the intellect and the myths. Isaacson covers Kissinger''s Americanization, his use of Harvard ties to enhance his career, his forays into the stratosphere of the Council on Foreign Relations NY, and his Washington years and exploits. He also examines Kissinger''s ill-fated negotiations with the North Vietnamese, empire building as national security assistant, shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East, arms control efforts, and later years as private citizen and consultant. While there are other excellent Kissinger biographies Stephen Graubard''s Kissinger , LJ 6173; John Stoessinger''s Henry Kissinger: The Anguish of Power , LJ 91576; Bruce Mazlich''s Kissinger: The European Mind in American Policy , LJ 91576, this work is the best to date on Henry K. Superstar. Essential for general libraries. Previewed in Prepub Alert, LJ 5192.
Introduction to the 2005 Edition: Kissinger''s Realism and
Today''s Crusading Idealism
1 FORTH Coming of Age in Nazi Germany, 1923-1938
2 WASHINGTON HEIGHTS The Americanization of an Aspiring Accountant,1938-1943
3 THE ARMY"Mr. Henry" Comes Marching Home Again, 1943-1947
4 HARVARD The Ambitious Student, 1947-1955
5 NEW YORK In the Service of the Establishment, 1954-1957
6 HARVARD AGAIN The Professor, 1957-1968
7 THE FRINGES OF POWER Kennedy, Johnson, and Rockefeller, 1961 "-1968
8 THE CO-CONSPIRATORS Kissinger and Nixon, 1968
9 WELCOME TO VIETNAM Secret Options, Secret Bombings
10 KISSINGER''S EMPIRE The Boss''s Power and How He Operated
11 THE WIRETAPS Office Bugs, Dead Keys, and Other Devices
12 No EXIT Vietnam Swallows Another Administration
13 THE INVASION OF CAMBODIA An Expanded War, Resignations, and Rage
14 Two WEEKS IN SEPTEMBER An Hour-by-Hour Look at the Art of Crisis Juggling
15 SALT Arms Control in the i~ack Channel
16 CHINA Creating a Triangle
17 CELEBRITY The Secret Life of the World''s Least Likely Sex Symbol
18 WINTER OF THE LONG KNIVES After a Mishandled War, Kissinger Hits a Low Point
19 THE TRIANGLE Summit Spring in Moscow and Beifing
20 PEACE AT HAND The Paris Talks Produce an Elusive Accord
21 THE CHRISTMAS BOMBING Hanoi Is Hit in Order to Convince Saigon to Sign
22 SECRETARY OF STATE A Rise That Was Helped Because Everyone Else Was Sinking
23 THE YOM KIPPUR WAR A Mideast Initiation, a Resupply Dispute, and a Nuclear Alert
24 THE SHUTTLE Step by Step Through Israel, Egypt, and Syria
25 THE PRESS How to Be Captivating on a Background Basis
26 TRANSITIONS The final Days, and a New Beginning
27 THE DEATH OF DETENTE An Odd Coafition Takes a Hard Line