內容簡介: |
Research on Distributor''s Fairness and Satisfaction
Perception of Supplier''s Product-harm Crisis
The Effect of Language Abstraction in Online Reviews on Consumers'' Brand Attitude and Buying Intention:
An Empirical Research Based on the Linguistic Category Model LCM
Pre-purchase Research Behaviors, Leading Climate
Inaex and Demand Forecasting Based on Internet
Search Data: The Case of Automobile Industry in China
Service Recovery: Is Choosing Timing to Recover
Needed While Catering to Her or His Likes?
A Research on the Mechanism of Guilt
Appeals Advertisement: Based on Grounded Theory
A Research on the Consumers'' Responses to the Company Donation Behavior: The Influences of Type of Donation, Type of Cause and Company Reputation Level
The Impact of Consumer Animosity on Adolescent
Consumers'' Purchase Intension of Domestic Brands
How Partitioned Pricing Influences the Expected
Value of Experienced Services: A Perspective of Perceived Heterogeneity
The Study of Internal Mechanism of "Loss to-win-
back" Customer Retention Willingness Based on
Attribution Theory--From Hotel Service Industry''s Empirical Study