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書城自編碼: 2196039
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→建筑建筑科学
作者: 本社 编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030389060
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2013-11-27
版次: 1

售價:NT$ 521



** 我創建的書架 **

Preface to the second edition
Preface to the first edition
Chapter 1 Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
 1.1 The definition of a continuum
 1.2 Deformation
 1.3 Stress
 1.4 Velocity fields
 1.5 The classical conservation laws and field equations
1.5.1 Lagrange and Euler descriptions of the motion of a continuum
1.5.2 The equation of continuity
1.5.3 The equations of motion
1.5.4 Moment of momentum
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
 2.1 Introduction r
 2.2 Basic concepts of thermodynamics
 2.3 Temperature and the zeroth law of thermodynamics
 2.4 Energy "
 2.5 The first law of thermodynamics
 2.6 The second law of thermodynamics
 2.7 Reversible and irreversible processes
 2.8 Entropy and Clausius-Duhem inequality
 2.9 Internal variables and accompanying equilibrium state
Chapter 3 Fundamental Characteristics of Deformation Behavior for Geotechnical Materials
  3.1 Introduction
  3.2 Pressure sensitivity
  3.3 Shear dilatancy
 3.4 Dependency of stress path
Chapter 4 Constitutive Modeling for Geotechnical Materials
 4.1 Introduction
 4.2 The plastic potential theory
 4.3 The approach based on the thermodynamics of irreversible processes
 4.4 The critical state and critical state line
4.4.1 Critical state
4.4.2 Critical state line
Chapter 5 The Principle of Interaction between Plastic Volumetric and Shear Strains
 5.1 Background
 5.2 The principle of interaction between plastic volumetric and
shear strains
 5.3 Effects of the plastic shear strain on plastic volumetric strains
 5.4 Effects of the plastic volumetric strain on plastic shear strains
 5.5 The physical meaning of the principle of interaction
Chapter 6 Symmetry and Interaction between Plastic Volumetric and Shear Strain Fields
 6.1 Introduction to the gauge field theory
 6.2 Symmetries of plastic strain fields
6.2.1 Introduction to transformation groups
6.2.2 The local symmetries of plastic strain fields and constitutive field equations
 6.3 Characteristics of the interaction between mass distribution and deformation
 6.4 Summary
Chapter 7 The Mechanism of Generation of Dependency of Stress Path and Critical State Line
 7.1 The dependency of stress path
 7.2 The curvature hardening
 7.3 The critical state line
Chapter 8 The Constitutive Equations for Geotechnical Materials
 8.1 The objective of constitutive modeling
 8.2 Quantitative representation of the interaction between plastic volumetric and shear strains
 8.3 Thermodynamic variables and state potential
 8.4 Dissipation functional
 8.5 The constitutive equations for geotechnical materials
Chapter 9 Damages of Engineering and Geotechnical Materials
 9.1 The mechanism of damage of metals and some engineering materials
 9.2 The damage of geotechnieal materials
 9.3 The description of damage evolution
Chapter 10 The Numerical Method of Constitutive Modeling fc Geotechnieal Materials
 10.1 Introduction
 10.2 The numerical method of constitutive modeling
 10.3 Plasticity-based models for clay and sand under different stress paths
 10.4 Concluding remarks
Chapter 11 The Interaction between Mass Distribution andDeformation in Unsaturated Soils
 11.1 Introduction
 11.2 The interaction between plastic volumetric andI shear strains in
 unsaturated soils
 11.3 The dual property of matrie suction
 11.4 The shear strength of unsaturated soils
 11.5 The constitutive field equations for unsaturated soils
11.6 The dependency of stress path and critical state line in unsaturated soils



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