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『英文書』Why I Left Goldman Sachs (International)

書城自編碼: 2154936
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→学习考试
作者: Greg
國際書號(ISBN): 9781455528257
出版社: Hachette
出版日期: 2013-11-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 277/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 800



** 我創建的書架 **

On March 14, 2012, more than three million people read Greg
Smith''s bombshell Op-Ed in the New York Times titled "Why I Am
Leaving Goldman Sachs." The column immediately went viral, became a
worldwide trending topic on Twitter, and drew passionate responses
from former Fed chairman Paul Volcker, legendary General Electric
CEO Jack Welch, and New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg. Mostly,
though, it hit a nerve among the general public who question the
role of Wall Street in society -- and the callous
"take-the-money-and-run" mentality that brought the world economy
to its knees a few short years ago. Smith now picks up where his
Op-Ed left off.
His story begins in the summer of 2000, when an idealistic
21-year-old arrives as an intern at Goldman Sachs and learns about
the firm''s Business Principle #1: Our clients'' interests always
come first. This remains Smith''s mantra as he rises from intern to
analyst to sales trader, with clients controlling assets of more
than a trillion dollars.
From the shenanigans of his summer internship during the
technology bubble to Las Vegas hot tubs and the excesses of the
real estate boom; from the career lifeline he received from an NFL
Hall of Famer during the bear market to the day Warren Buffett came
to save Goldman Sachs from extinction-Smith will take the reader on
his personal journey through the firm, and bring us inside the
world''s most powerful bank.
Smith describes in page-turning detail how the most storied
investment bank on Wall Street went from taking iconic companies
like Ford, Sears, and Microsoft public to becoming a "vampire
squid" that referred to its clients as "muppets" and paid the
government a record half-billion dollars to settle SEC charges. He
shows the evolution of Wall Street into an industry riddled with
conflicts of interest and a profit-at-all-costs mentality: a
perfectly rigged game at the expense of the economy and the society
at large.
After conversations with nine Goldman Sachs partners over a
twelve-month period proved fruitless, Smith came to believe that
the only way the system would ever change was for an insider to
finally speak out publicly. He walked away from his career and took
matters into his own hands. This is his story.
Greg Smith resigned in the spring of 2012 as the head of
Goldman Sachs''s United States equity derivatives business in
Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Born and raised in
Johannesburg, South Africa, Smith graduated from Stanford
University and went to work for the firm full-time in 2001. He
spent his first ten years in the New York headquarters before
moving to London in 2011. He currently lives in New York City.
CHAPTER 1 “I Don’t Know,but I''ll Find out
CHAPTER 2 Fall and Rise
CHAPTER 3 The Springbok Has Landed
CHAPTER 4 The End of Something
CHAPTER 5 Welcome to the Casino
CHAPTER 6 Hunting for Elephants
CHAPTER 7 Looking into the Abyss
CHAPTER 8 The Four Clients
CHAPTER 9 “Monstruosities
CHAPTER 10 London Calling
CHAPTER 11 The Wild West
Author''s Note
A Glossary of Trader.Speak



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