內容簡介: |
This is the story of a little girl named Fern who loved a
littlepig named Wilbur and of Wilbur''s dear friend, Charlotte
A.Cavatica, a beautiful large grey spider. With the unlikely help
ofTempleton the rat, and a wonderfully clever plan of her
own,Charlotte saves the life of Wilbur, who by this time has grown
upto be quite a pig. This is a time-honored classic favorite.
關於作者: |
E. B. White was born in New York in 1899 and died in 1985.
Hekept animals on his farm in Maine and some of these creatures
creptinto his books, such as STUART LITTLE which was made into
ablockbusting film in 2000. He received many awards including
theLaura Ingalls Wilder Medal in 1970, an award given every five
yearsto authors who have ''made a substantial and lasting
contribution toliterature for children''.
Before Breakfast
Summer Days
Bad News
A Talk at Home
Wilbur''s Boast
An Explosion
The Miracle
A Meeting
Good Progress
Dr Dorian
The Crickets
Off to the Fair
The Cool of the Evening
The Egg Sac
The Hour of Triumph
Last Day
A Warm Wind