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Our Paradise 我们的伊甸园
The Unheeded Pageant 不被注意的花饰
A Fairy Tale Night 童话之夜
The Land of Exile 流放的地方
The Road Not Taken 未选之路
Just Two for Breakfast 两个人的早餐
The Price of Miracle 奇迹的价格
A Lemon Cheesecake 一个柠檬奶酪蛋糕
Remember the Good Things 记得那些美好的事
Flowery Tuscany
North of the Alps, the everlasting winter isinterrupted by summers
that struggle and soonyield; south of the Alps, the everlasting
summer isinterrupted by spasmodic and spiteful winters thatnever
get a real hold, but that are mean and dogged.The in-between, in
either case, is just as it may be.But the lands of the sun are
south of the Alps, forever.
In the morning, the sun shines strong on thehorizontal green
cloud-puffs of the pines, the skyis clear and full of life, the
water runs hastily, stillbrowned by the last juice of crushed
olives. Andthere the earth’s bowl of crocuses is amazing. Youcannot
believe that the flowers are really still. Theyare open with such
delight, and their pistil is so red-orange,and they are so many,
all reaching out wideand marvelous, that it suggests a perfect
ecstasyof radiant, thronging movement, lit-up violet andorange, and
surging in some invisible rhythm ofconcerted, delightful moverment.
You cannot believethey do not move, and make some sort of
crystallinesound of delight. If you sit still and watch, you
beginto move with them, like moving with the stars, andyou feel the
sound of their radiance. All the little cellsof the flowers must be
leaping with flowery life andutterance.
And now that it is March, there is a rush offlowers. Down by the
other stream, which turnssideways to the sun, and tangles the brier
andbramble, down where the hellebore has stood so wanand dignified
all winter, there are now white tuftsof primroses, suddenly come.
Among the tangle andnear the water-lip, tufts and bunches of
primroses,in abundance. Yet they look more wan, more pallid,more
flimsy than English primroses. They lacksome of the full wonder of
the northern flowers. Onetends to overlook them, to turn to the
great, solemn-facedpurple violets that rear up from the bank,
andabove all, to the wonderful little towers of the
This is the time, in March, when the sloe is whiteand misty in the
hedge-tangle by the stream, andon the slope of land the peach tree
stands pink andalone. The almond blossom, silvery pink, is
passing,but the peach, deep-toned, bluey, not at all ethereal,this
reveals itself like flesh, and the trees are likeisolated
individuals, the peach and the apricot. It isso conspicuous and so
individual, that pink amongthe coming green of spring, because the
first flowersthat emerge from winter seem always white or yellowor
purple. Now the celandines are out, and along theedges of the
podere, the big, sturdy, black-purpleanemones, with black
The daisies are out too, in sheets, and they toored-mouthed. The
first ones are big and handsome.But as March goes on, they dwindle
to bright littlethings, like tiny buttons, clouds of them
together.That means summer is nearly here.
In some places there are old yellow tulips,slender and spiky. They
are very lovely, pricking outtheir dulled yellow in slim spikes.
But they too soonlean, expand beyond themselves, and are gone
likean illusion. And when the tulips are gone, there is amoment’s
pause, before summer. Summer is the nextmove.
In the pause towards the end of April, when thef lowers seem to
hesitate, the leaves make up theirminds to come out. For sometime,
at the very endsof the bare boughs of fig trees, spurts of pure
greenhave been burning like little cloven tongues of greenfire
vivid on the tips of the candelabrum. Now thesespurts of green
spread out, and begin to take theshape of hands, feeling for the
air of summer. Andtiny green figs are below them, like glands on
thethroat of a goat.
Now the aspens on the hill are all remarkablewith the translucent
membranes of blood-veinedleaves. They are gold-brown, but not like
autumn,rather like thin-winged bats when like birds—callthem
birds—they wheel in clouds against the settingsun, and the sun
glows through the stretchedmembrane of their wings, as through
thin, brown-redstained glass. This is the red sap of summer, not
thered dust of autumn.
The cherry tree is something the same, but moresturdy. Now, in the
last week of April, the cherryblossom is still white, but waning
and passing away:it is late this year, and the leaves are
clustering thickand softly copper in their dark blood-filled glow.
It isqueer about fruit trees in this district. The pear andthe
peach were out together. But now the pear tree isa lovely thick
softness of new and glossy green, vividwith a tender fullness of
apple-green leaves, gleamingamong all the other green of the
landscape, the half-highwheat, emerald, and the grey olive,
half-invisible,the browning green of the dark cypress, the black
ofthe evergreen oak, the rolling of the heavy green puffsof the
stone-pines, the flimsy green of small peachand almond trees, the
sturdy young green of horse-chestnut.So many greens, all in flakes
and shelvesand tilted tables and round shoulders and plumesand
shags and uprisen bushes, of greens and greens,sometimes blindingly
brilliant at evening, when thelandscape looks as if it were on fire
from inside, withgreenness and with gold.
In the wood, the scrub-oak is only just cominguncrumpled, and the
pines keep their hold on winter.They are wintry things,
stone-pines. At Christmas,their heavy green clouds are richly
beautiful. Whenthe cypresses rise their tall and naked bodies of
darkgreen, and the osiers are vivid red-orange, on the stillblue
air, and the land is lavender; then, in mid-winter,the landscape is
most beautiful in colour, surgingwith colour.
Not that this week is flowerless. But the flowersare a little
lonely things, here and there: the earlypurple orchid, ruddy and
very much alive, you comeacross occasionally, then the little
groups of bee-orchids,with their ragged concerted indifference
totheir appearance. Also there are the huge bud-spikesof the stout,
thick-flowering pink orchid, huge budslike fat ears of wheat,
hard-purple, and splendid. Butalready odd grains of the wheat-ear
are open, and outof the purple hangs the delicate pink rag of
floweret.Also there are very lovely and choice
cream-colouredorchids with brown spots on the long and delicate
lip.These grow in the more moist places, and have exotictender
spikes, very rare-seeming. Another orchid is alittle pretty yellow
By May, the nightingale will sing an unbrokensong, and the discreet
barely audible Tuscan cuckoowill be a little more audible. Then the
lovely pale-lilacirises will come out in all their showering
abundanceof tender, proud, spiky bloom, till the air will gleamwith
mauve, and a new crystalline lightness will beeverywhere. There
will be tufts of iris everywhere,arising up proud and tender. When
the rose-colouredwild gladiolus is mingled in the corn, and the
love-in-a-mist opens blue: in May and June, before the cornis cut.
But as yet is neither May nor June, but the endof April, the pause
between spring and summer, thenightingale singing uninterrupted,
the bean-flowersdying in the bean-fields, the bean-perfume
passingwith spring, the little birds hatching in the nests,the
olives pruned, and the vines, the last bit of lateploughing
finished, and not much work to hand, now,not until the peas are
ready to pick, in another twoweeks or so.
So the change, the endless and rapid change. Inthe sunny countries,
the change seems more vivid,and more complete than in the grey
countries. In thegrey countries, there is a grey or dark
permanency,over whose surface passes change ephemeral, leavingno
real mark.
But in the sunny countries, change is thereality and permanence is
artificial and a conditionof imprisonment. Hence, to the
northerner, thephenomenal world is essentially tragical, because it
istemporal and must cease to exist. Its very existenceimplies
ceasing to exist, and this is the root of thefeeling of tragedy.
But to the southerner, the sun isso dominant that shadow, or dark,
is only merelyrelative: merely the result of something
gettingbetween one and the sun.
In the human race, the one thing that is alwaysthere is the shining
sun, and dark shadow is anaccident of intervention. For my part, if
the sunalways shines, and always will shine, in spite ofmillions of
clouds of words. In the sunshine, evendeath is sunny. And there is
no end to the sunshine.
That is why the rapid change of the Tuscanspring is utterly free,
for me, of any senses of tragedy.The sun always shines. It is our
fault if we don’t thinkso.
spasmodic adj. 间歇的
ecstasy n. 狂喜
dwindle v. 缩小
ephemeral adj. 短暂的