內容簡介: |
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1. Introductory remarks
1.2. The plan of the book: notation
1.3. Very brief historical remarks
1.4. The EULER equations
1.5. Other classical necessary conditions
1.6. Classical sufficient conditions
1.7. The direct methods
1.8. Lower semicontinuity
1.9. Existence
1.10. The differentiabilitv theory. Introduction
1.11. Differentiability; reduction to linear equations
Chapter 2 Semi-classical results
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Elementary properties of harmonic functions
2.3. WEYL''S lemma
2.4. POISSON''S integral formula; elementary functions; GREEN''S
2.5. Potentials
2.6. Generalized potential theory; singular integrals
2.7. The CALDERON-ZYGMUND inequalities
2.8. The maximum principle for a linear elliptic equation of the
second order
Chapter 3 The spaces Hmp and Hmpo
Chapter 4 Existence theorems
Chapter 5 Differentiability of weak solutions
Chapter 6 Regularity theorems for the solutions of general elliptic
systems and boundary value problems
Chapter 7 A variational method in the theory of harmonic