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『英文書』Graphics For Learning: Proven Guidelines For Planning, Designing, And Evaluating Visuals In Training Materials, Second Edition 9780470547441

書城自編碼: 2090224
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Ruth
國際書號(ISBN): 9780470547441
出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2010-11-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 399/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 3503



** 我創建的書架 **

Are you getting the most learning value from visuals?
Thoroughly revised and updated, Graphics for Learning is the
second edition of the bestselling book that summarizes the
guidelines for the best use of graphics for instructional
materials, including multimedia, texts, working aids, and slides.
The guidelines are based on the most current empirical scientific
research and are illustrated with a wealth of examples from diverse
training materials. The authors show how to plan illustrations for
various types of content, including facts, concepts, processes,
procedures, and principles. The book also discusses technical and
environmental factors that will influence how instructional
professionals can apply the guidelines to their training
Dr. Ruth Colvin Clark is an instructional psychologist with a
specialty in design and development of effective workforce
learning. She is the author of e-Learning and the Science of
Instruction and her book, Building Expertise, was awarded
Outstanding Instructional Communication from the International
Society of Performance Improvement.
Chopeta Lyons has created award-winning print and online learning
products during her twenty-five years of developing training
solutions. She has directed teams of designers, writers,
programmers, audio talent, graphic designers, and artists to create
custom solutions for the training needs of numerous corporations
and organizations. She is the author of several articles on
e-learning and a college textbook, Discover Writing.
On the Web.
Foreword to the Second Edition.
Introduction: Getting the Most from This Resource.
Section One: The Foundation.
Chapter 1. The Power of Visuals.
 The Unrealized Potential of Visuals.
 What Is a Graphic?
 Which Visuals Are Best? No Yellow Brick Road.
 Graphics in the Instructional Landscape.
Chapter 2. Three Views of Instructional Visuals.
 Three Views of Visuals.
 Communication Functions of Graphics.
 Graphics to Support Psychological Events of Learning.
 Our Guiding Principles.
Chapter 3. A Visual Design Model for Planning Graphics
 Three Facets of Graphics.
 What Can Happen Without a Systematic Approach.
 What Happens When Instructional Designers Follow a Systematic
 A Visual Design Model.
 Section Two. How to Use Visuals to Support Psychological Learning
Chapter 4. Graphics and Learning.
 Not All Graphics Are Equal.
 Graphics and Learning.
 A Tale of Two Memories.
 Unique Brain Storage for Visual Information.
 How Learning Happens.
 How Graphics Promote Learning.
Chapter 5. Plan Graphics That Direct Attention.
 Attention, Learning, and Graphics.
 Guideline 1: Use Signals to Focus Attention.
 Guideline 2: Use Color and Contrast to Focus Attention.
 Guideline 3: Use Motion Cues in Animation.
 Guideline 4: Use Color to Improve Job Performance.
 Graphics and Divided Attention.
 Guideline 5: Place Text Close to the Visuals It Describes.
 Guideline 6: Avoid Distracting Visuals.
Chapter 6. Plan Visuals That Leverage Prior Knowledge.
 Prior Knowledge, Learning, and Graphics.
 Guideline 1: Use Comparative Advance Organizers.
 Guideline 2: Use Expository Advance Organizers.
 Guideline 3: Avoid Seductive Details in Lesson
Chapter 7. Plan Graphics That Minimize Irrelevant Mental
 What Is Mental Load?
 Guideline 1: Use Graphics Rather Than Text for Special
 Guideline 2: Use Simpler Graphics for Deeper Learning.
 Guideline 3: Use Animations to Teach Hands-On Skills.
 Guideline 4: Explain Complex Graphics with Words in Audio.
 Guideline 5: Use Words or Graphics Alone When Information Is
 Guideline 6: Use Previews and Overlays with Complex Visuals.
Chapter 8. Plan Graphics to Help Learners Build Mental
 Mental Modeling, Learning, and Graphics.
 Guideline 1: Use Organizational Graphics to Show Quantitative
 Guideline 2: Use Charts and Graphs to Communicate Quantitative
 Guideline 3: Use Transformational Visuals to Communicate Changes
in Time or Space.
 Guideline 4: Use Interpretive Visuals to Communicate Abstract
Cause-and-Effect. Relationships.
 Use Animated Online Agents to Model Thinking Processes.
Chapter 9. Plan Graphics That Support Transfer of Learning.
 Transfer and Work Performance.
 Near- Versus Far-Transfer Tasks.
 Context Is King for Near-Transfer Tasks.
 Guideline 1: Use Dynamic Visuals That Reflect Workplace Context
for Procedures.
 Guideline 2: Incorporate Workplace Context in 3D Worlds.
 Mental Models Are King in Far-Transfer Tasks.
 Guideline 3: Use Static Visuals to Illustrate How Things
 Guideline 4: Use Dynamic Visuals for Interpersonal Skills.
 Guideline 5: Use Varied Context Visual Examples for Deeper
 Guideline 6: Use Workplace Context Visuals for Immersive Learning
Chapter 10. Plan Graphics for Motivation and Learning.
 Motivation and Learning.
 Interest and Motivation.
 Guideline 1: Use Dynamic Visuals That Display Work Concepts.
 Guideline 2: Leverage Social Presence Through Learning Agents in
Asynchronous Multimedia.
 Guideline 3: Consider Using Relevant Trigger Visuals to Catch
Initial Interest.
 Guideline 4: Minimize Graphics Used Soley as Eye Candy.
Chapter 11. Plan Graphics to Leverage Learner Differences.
 Different Strokes for Different Folks?
 Guideline 1: Drop the Myth of Visual Learning Style.
 Guideline 2: Emphasize Visuals for Beginners.
 Guideline 3: Provide Just-in-Time Training to Help Learners
Interpret Complex Visuals.
 Guideline 4: Encourage All Learners to Process Visuals
 Section Three. How to Visualize Lesson Content.
Chapter 12. How to Visualize Procedures.
 What Are Procedures?
 Teaching Procedures.
 Guideline 1: Combine Representational and Transformational Visuals
in Demonstrations.
 Guideline 2: Demonstrate Procedures with Dynamic Visuals.
 Guideline 3: Manage Mental Load.
 Guideline 4: Use Visuals to Draw Attention to Warnings.
 Guideline 5: Design Online Practice Exercises Effectively.
Chapter 13. How to Visualize Concepts.
 What Are Concepts?
 Teaching Concepts.
 How to Visualize Concepts.
 Guideline 1: Display Teaching Methods in a Contiguous
 Guideline 2: Create Visual Counterexamples.
 Guideline 3: Use Visual Analogies.
 Guideline 4: Display Related Concepts Together.
 Guideline 5: Use organizational Visuals for Related
 Guideline 6: Promote Learner Engagement with Concept
Chapter 14. How to Visualize Facts.
 What Are Facts?
 Teaching Facts.
 How to Help Learners to Visualize Facts.
 Guideline 1: Use Representational Visuals Displayed in Job
 Guideline 2: Display Facts with Visual Contiguity.
 Guideline 3: Use Organizational Visuals.
 Guideline 4: Use Relational Visuals for Numeric Trends.
 Guideline 5: Promote Engagement with Important Factual
Chapter 15. How to Visualize Processes.
 What Are Processes?
 Who Needs Process Knowledge?
 Teaching Processes.
 How to Help Learners to Visualize Processes.
 Guideline 1: Use Transformational Visuals That Show State
 Guideline 2: Use Simpler Visuals to Promote Understanding.
 Guideline 3: Manage Load When Presenting Process Visuals.
 Guideline 4: Use Interpretive Visuals to Represent Abstract
 Guideline 5: Promote Engagement with Process Visuals.
Chapter 16. How to Visualize Principles.
 What Are Principles?
 What Are Principles?
 Problem-Centered Learning Environments.
 Components of Problem-Centered Learning Environments.
 When to Consider Problem-Centered Learning.
 Inductive Learning from Case Examples.
 Teaching Principles as Laws or Theories.
 How to Visualize Principles.
 Guideline 1: Use Representational Visuals for Problem-Centered
Learning Components.
 Guideline 2: Use Multimedia Dynamic Visuals for Case
 Guideline 3: Use Animated Agents to Model Critical Thinking
 Guideline 4: Use Graphic Design Devices to Manage Mental Load
During Problem-Centered Learning.
 Guideline 5: Analyze Video or Audio Recorded Work Samples.
 Guideline 6: Engage Learners with Explanatory Visuals, Including
Virtual Simulations.
 Section Four. How to Plan and Communicate Your Visuals.
Chapter 17. Determine the Context.
 The Realities of the Workplace.
 What to Decide and When.
 Assess the Learning Landscape.
 Consider Production.
Chapter 18. Design Your Visual Approach.
 Getting the Right Artist.
 Designing the Visual Approach.
 Treatment Meeting.
 What to Consider.
 Rough It Out—Style and Available Real Estate.
 A Semi-Fictional Case Study.
Chapter 19. Visualize Individual Graphics.
 Creating Individual Visuals That Work.
 A Case Study Continued: Sanji''s Graphic.
Chapter 20. Communicate and Lay Out Graphic Plans.
 Who Needs to Know.
 Communicating the Visual Approach, the “Look and Feel”.
 Communicating Ideas for the Development of Individual
 Communicating Layout Plans.
 Communicating Graphics to Production Staff.
 Case Study: Sanji Talks to the Artist.
Chapter 21. Apply the Principles.
 The End-User System Application Training.
 The Investment Club''s Financial Basics Training.
 About the Authors.
 List of Figures and Tables.



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