內容簡介: |
In this book the author explains that managers must build
human capital and engender employee engagement by managing them
almost not at all, by attending instead to the factors and
circumstances that make them successful. In other words, managers
must play their role from offstage and out of the limelight. Based
on a survey of over 16,000 employees, the author presents
Towers-Watson'' management performance model: Executing tasks,
Building relationships and performance capability, and Energizing
change. Additionally, managers must create an atmosphere of
authenticity and trust.
關於作者: |
Thomas O. Davenport is a senior practitioner in the San
Francisco office of Towers Watson, a worldwide human resource
consulting firm. He provides advice on human capital strategy,
employee and organization research, and leadership development to
clients in a wide variety of industries.
Stephen D. Harding is a senior practitioner in the London
office of Towers Watson. He has consulted in employee research and
organizational behavior for the last twenty years and has
responsibility for managing employee research projects throughout
Europe and elsewhere internationally.
Part I: Context.
1 Do Managers Matter?
A Brief History of Management.
Defi ning Management and Leadership.
The Defi nition, and the Power, of Engagement.
2 Why Managers Have a Tough Job.
Employees Are Smart and Demanding.
We Have Ambivalent Feelings about Leadership and
We Really Don''t Like Being Told What to Do.
Managers Behave Badly.
3 A New Model of Manager Performance.
Managers and Competitive Advantage.
The Manager Performance Model.
4 Constructing the Manager Role.
Manager Contribution—The Player-Coach Job.
Manager Competency—The Technical Skill Dilemma.
The Size of the Job—Span of Control.
Building the Role System.
Part II: Implementation.
5 Executing Tasks.
Planning Work.
Clarifying Job Roles.
Monitoring Progress.
6 Developing People.
Acting as a Human Capital Treasurer.
Providing Direct Development.
Goal Setting and Performance Feedback.
7 Delivering the Deal.
Transforming the Extrinsic into the Intrinsic.
Individualizing Rewards.
Boosting Engagement Through Recognition.
8 Energizing Change.
Coping with Imposed Change.
Choosing to Change.
Sustaining Engagement.
9 Authenticity and Trust.
Connecting Authenticity and Trust.
Building Trust Through Authenticity.
Implications for Manager Performance.
10 Fitting the Pieces Together.
Manager Role Structure and Performance Model—A Summary.
What Makes a Great Manager?
Can a Good Manager Manage Anything?
Make Versus Buy.
Notes for Those Who Want Managers to Succeed.
The Authors.