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Essential resources for training and HR professionals Kenneth
H. Silber and Lynn Kearny Organizational Intelligence A Guide to
Understanding the business of your organization for HR, Training,
and Performance Consulting Organizational Intelligence To succeed,
those who practice as training, HPT, ID, OD, HR, or IT
professionals must understand the "language of business," and the
key business issues and measures of the organizations we work for.
Organizational Intelligence shows how to use the proven Business
Logics Model to gather and synthesize the information needed to
understand organizations, and how to align our work to key business
issues, explain it in appropriate language, and measure it in a
meaningful way. "Kearny and Silber have taken the complex
interrelated aspects of a business and broken them into components
and key questions that can help anyone understand the essence of
that business." —Julie O''Mara, past president, American Society for
Training and Development "This book should be in your professional
library. It provides models to understand how organizations work,
and gives you tools to increase your business acumen and think like
the CEO. It''s your doorway to a seat at the table."
—Dr. Roger M. Addison, CPT; past director, International Society
for Performance Improvement, and past president, International
Federation of Training and Development Organisations Ltd. "Nobody
can touch Ken Silber and Lynn Kearny for their clarity of thought
and their ability to communicate. Organizational Intelligence
provides the most useful, simple, and comprehensive approach to
understanding your clients. Whether you are a newcomer or an
old-timer, buy, borrow, or steal a copy. The job aids alone are
worth the price."
—Thiagi Dr. Sivasailam Thiagarajan, two-time ISPI president,
Gilbert Award–winning performance improvement guru "Organizational
Intelligence is the cornerstone text for the HPT field we''ve been
wanting for so long. It provides the organizational context for the
work we do in a way that is understandable and useful. Both our new
students and expert professors love it."
—Jamie D. Barron, Ed.D., chair, Training Performance
Improvement, Capella University
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Part I Introduction to the Business Logics Model.
1 Why and How to Use the Model.
2. How to Gather Data.
Part II The Business Logics Model in Detail.
3. External Logic.
4. Economic Logic.
5. Strategy Logic.
6. Customer Logic.
7. Product Logic.
8. Process Logic.
9. Structural Logic.
Part III Case StudyResearch.
10. Case Study.
Author Biographies.
Web site.
Summary Job Aid for each component of the model.
Measures Worksheet.
External Scan Worksheet.
Internal Scan Worksheet.