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『英文書』Beginning Microsoft Sql Server 2008 Programming 9780470257012

書城自編碼: 2090068
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→计算机 Computers & Inte
作者: Robert
國際書號(ISBN): 9780470257012
出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2008-12-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 682/
書度/開本: 大32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 2001



** 我創建的書架 **

This comprehensive introduction to SQL Server begins with an
overview of database design basics and the SQL query language along
with an in-depth look at SQL Server itself
Progresses on to a clear explanation of how to implement
fundamental concepts with the new 2008 version of SQL Server
Discusses creating and changing tables, managing keys, writing
scripts, working with stored procedures, programming with XML,
using SQL Server Reporting and Integration Services, and more
Features updated and new material, including new examples using
Microsoft''s AdventureWorks sample database
Experiencing his first infection with computing fever in 1978,
Rob Vieira knew right away that this was something “really cool.”
In 1980 he began immersing himself in the computing world more
fully — splitting time between building and repairing computer
kits, and programming in Basic as well as Z80 and 6502 assembly. In
1983, he began studies for a degree in Computer Information
Systems, but found the professional mainframe environment too rigid
for his tastes, and dropped out in 1985 to pursue other interests.
Later that year, he caught the “PC bug” and began the long road of
programming in database languages from dBase to SQL Server. Rob
completed a degree in Business Administration in 1990, and since
has typically worked in roles that allow him to combine his
knowledge of business and computing. Beyond his Bachelor’s degree,
he has been certified as a Certified Management Accountant as well
as Microsoft Certified as a Solutions Developer MCSD, Trainer
MCT, and Database Administrator MCDBA. Rob is currently the DBA
Team Lead for the Stockamp practice of The Huron Consulting Group
in Portland, Oregon, and makes occasional speaking appearances on
database development, business intelligence, and other topics. He
resides with his youngest daughter Adrianna aka Addy, aka
Trillian, aka “T” in Vancouver, WA.
Introduction. Chapter
: RDBMS Basics: What Makes Up a SQL Server Database? Chapter
: Tools of the Trade. Chapter
: The Foundation Statements of T-. Chapter
: JOINs. Chapter
: Creating and Altering Tables. Chapter
: Constraints. Chapter
: Adding More to Our Queries. Chapter
: Being Normal: Normalization and Other Basic Design Issues.
: SQL Server Storage and Index Structures. Chapter
: Views. Chapter
: Writing Scripts and Batches. Chapter
: Stored Procedures. Chapter
: User-Defined Functions. Chapter
: Transactions and Locks. Chapter
: Triggers. Chapter
: A Brief XML Primer. Chapter
: Reporting for Duty, Sir! A Look At Reporting Services.
: Getting Integrated with Integration Services. Chapter
: Playing Administrator. Appendix A: System Functions. Appendix B:
Very Simple Connectivity Examples. Index.



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