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『英文書』The New Wealth Management (Cfa Institute Investment Series): The Financial Advisor'S Guide To Manag Ing And Investing Client Assets 9780470624005

書城自編碼: 2090013
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Harold
國際書號(ISBN): 9780470624005
出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2011-05-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 458/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 4756



** 我創建的書架 **

Mainstay reference guide for wealth management, newly updated
for today''s investment landscape
For over a decade, The New Wealth Management: The Financial
Advisor''s Guide to Managing and Investing Client Assets has
provided financial planners with detailed, step-by-step guidance on
developing an optimal asset allocation policy for their clients.
And, it did so without resorting to simplistic model portfolios,
such as lifecycle models or black box solutions. Today, while The
New Wealth Management still provides a thorough background on
investment theories, and includes many ready to use client
presentations and questionnaires, the guide is newly updated to
meet twenty-first century investment challenges. The book
Includes expert updates from Chartered Financial Analyst CFA
Institute, in addition to the core text of 1997''s first edition –
endorsed by investment luminaries Charles Schwab and John
Presents an approach that places achieving client objectives
ahead of investment vehicles
Applicable for self-study or classroom use
Now, as in 1997, The New Wealth Management effectively blends
investment theory and real world applications. And in today''s new
investment landscaped, this update to the classic reference is more
important than ever.
Harold Evensky CFP, is President of Evensky
Katz, a nationally recognized wealth management firm.
Acknowledged by Financial Planning, Financial Planning
Professional, Investment News, and Worth as an industry leader, he
served as chair of the TIAA-CREF Institute Advisory Board and is a
member of the American Bar Association. In 1999, he was awarded the
Dow Jones Investment Advisor Portfolio Management Award for
Lifetime Achievement.

Stephen M. Horan, PhD, CFA, manages
professional education and private wealth management content for
CFA Institute members. He has served as both an editorial board
member and abstractor for the CFA Digest and as an ad-hoc reviewer
for the Financial Analysts Journal. He holds a PhD in finance,
publishes frequently in academic and professional journals, and has
authored several books. Prior to joining the CFA Institute, he was
a professor of finance at St. Bonaventure University and principal
of Alesco Advisors LLC.

Thomas R. Robinson, CFA, CFP, is Managing
Director in the Education Division of the CFA Institute, where he
leads and develops the teams responsible for producing and
delivering educational content and examinations to candidates,
members, and other investment professionals, including those
affiliated with the CFA Program, CIPM Program, and Lifelong
Chapter 1 The Wealth Management Process.
Chapter 2 Fiduciary and Professional Standards.
Chapter 3 Client Goals and Constraints
Chapter 4 Risk Is a Four Letter Word.
Chapter 5 Data Gathering and Analysis.
Chapter 6 Client Education.
Chapter 7 Mathematics of Investing.
Chapter 8 Investment Theory.
Chapter 9 Asset Allocation.
Chapter 10 Portfolio Optimization.
Chapter 11 Taxes.
Chapter 12 Retirement Planning.
Chapter 13 Investment Policy Statement.
Chapter 14 Portfolio Management.
Chapter 15 Performance Appraisal and Evaluation.
Chapter 16 Selecting Investment Managers.
Chapter 17 Philosophy, Process, and People.
About the Authors.
About the CFA Institute Investment Series.
About the CFA Program.



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