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『英文書』Alpha Trading: Profitable Strategies That Remove Directional Risk + Website 9780470529744

書城自編碼: 2090012
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Perry
國際書號(ISBN): 9780470529744
出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2011-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 310/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 4008



** 我創建的書架 **

From a leading trading systems developer, how to make
profitable trades when there are no obvious trends
How does a trader find alpha when markets make no sense, when
price shocks cause diversification to fail, and when it seems
impossible to hedge? What strategies should traders, long
conditioned to trend trading, deploy? In Alpha Trading: Profitable
Strategies That Remove Directional Risk, author Perry Kaufman
presents strategies and systems for profitably trading in
directionless markets and in those experiencing constant price
shocks. The book
Details how to exploit new highs and lows
Describes how to hedge primary risk components, find robustness,
and craft a diversification program
Other titles by Kaufman: New Trading Systems and Methods, 4th
Edition and A Short Course in Technical Trading, both by
Given Kaufman''s 30 years of experience trading in almost every
kind of market, his Alpha Trading will be a welcome addition to the
trading literature of professional and serious individual traders
for years to come.
PERRY KAUFMAN has more than thirty years of
experience in financial engineering and hedge funds, and is
well-known for his role in algorithmic trading. Since 1971, he has
specialized in the development of fully systematic trading programs
in derivatives and equities as well as risk management and leverage
overlays. He is the author of New Trading Systems and Methods,
Fourth Edition, A Short Course in Technical Trading, both from
Wiley, and other books and articles that have gained worldwide
Chapter 1 Uncertainty.
Impact on Trading.
The Inevitable Price Shocks.
Why So Much About Price Shocks?
Complexity and Contagion Risk.
The Ugly Side.
Taking Defensive Action.
Accepting Performance for What It Is.
Chapter 2 The Importance of Price Noise.
Noise Explained.
Different Markets.
A Closer Look at Equity Index Markets.
Importance of Noise.
Determining the Strategy.
Capitalizing on the Trend of Noise.
Chapter 3 Pairs Trading -- Understanding the Process.
The Process.
The Basics.
Target Volatility.
Home Builders.
Using ETFs.
Portfolio of Home Builders Pairs.
Execution and the Part-Time Trader.
Trading Intraday.
Key Points to Remember.
Chapter 4 Pairs Trading Using Futures.
Mechanics of a Pairs Trade in Futures.
Inflation Scares.
Trading Energy Pairs.
Revisiting Momentum with Energy Markets.
A Mini-Portfolio of Natural Gas Pairs.
The Inflation Pairs: Crude, the EURUSD, and gold.
Equity Index Pairs.
Leveraging with Futures.
London Metals Exchange Pairs.
Volatility Filters.
Interest Rate Futures.
Chapter 5 Risk-Adjusted Spreads.
Dell and Hewlett-Packard.
Trading Both Long-Term Hedged Trends and Short-Term Mean
Gold, Platinum, and Silver.
The PlatinumGold Ratio.
Implied Yield.
The Yield Curve.
Trend Trading of London Metal Exchange Pairs.
Chapter 6 Cross-Market Trading and the Stress Indicator.
The Crossover Trade*.
The Stress Indicator.
Gold, Copper, and Platinum.
Mining Companies.
Agribusiness Pairs.
The Major Energy Producers.
Portfolio of Cross-Market Energy Pairs.
Other Opportunities.
Some Final Notes.
Chapter 7 Revisiting Pairs Using the Stress Indicator.
Futures Markets and the Stress Indicator.
Equity Index Futures.
Interest Rate Futures.
The Portfolio Spreadsheet.
Summary of Pairs Trading.
Chapter 8 Traditional Market-Neutral Trading.
Home Builders.
Trend or Mean Reversion?
Basic Market-Neutral Concept.
Volatility-Adjusting the Position Size.
Arbing the Dow: A Large Scale Program.
Thoughts About Market-Neutral Trend Following.
Market-Neutral Using Futures.
Market-Neutral Comments.
Chapter 9 Other Stat-Arb Methods.
System Briefs.
New Highs and New Lows.
Merger Arb.
Creating Your Own Index Arbitrage.
Arbing the Dow.
Arbing the SP 500 -- Index Arbitrage.
About the Companion Web Site.
About the Author.



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