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『英文書』The Art Of The Trade: What I Learned (And Lost) Trading The Chicago Futures Markets 9780470138991

書城自編碼: 2089914
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→学习考试
作者: Jason
國際書號(ISBN): 9780470138991
出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2008-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 183/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1502



** 我創建的書架 **

An eye–opening account of the commodity brokerage industry and
how to survive and thrive within it
The Art of the Trade is a searing portrait of the futures and
options brokerage industry as seen through the eyes of someone who
has participated within this arena for over 20 years. On one level,
it′s a brutally honest, no–punches–pulled rebuke of how the
brokerage industry deceives the general public with the idea that
they can make big money trading. On another level, The Art of the
Trade is an intensely personal story of the triumphs and failures
of author Jason Alan Jankovsky as he battles the markets, the
brokerage industry, and his own penchant for self–destruction.
Jason Alan Jankovsky is a twenty–plus year veteran of leveraged
transaction trading. Trading extensively in futures, options, and
FOREX since 1986, first as a customer and then as a registered
broker, he is self–taught and self–educated. Working in almost all
facets of the business, he has authored several trading systems,
trained other successful traders and has been published in many
industry periodicals; his numerous articles on global cash FOREX
have appeared in TraderSavvy, The Perspective, SFO Magazine, and
other industry publications. He is the author of Trading Rules that
Work: The 28 Essential Lessons Every Trader Must Master Wiley, an
Amazon top–100 bestseller in the category of futures. He has
focused on the psychology of trading as the key component to a
successful trading methodology and teaches a six–week course on
trading psychology every quarter to traders around the world.
Jankovsky appears regularly as a guest speaker at many public and
private trading forums and has been invited to speak at round–table
discussions offered by the Orlando Money Show and others. Born and
raised in Chicago, Illinois, Jankovsky is an avid sailor and
private pilot.
Read Me First. Foreword. Introduction. Chapter 1: The Early
Years. Chapter 2: The Day I Bought the Low. Chapter 3: Technical
Analysis. Chapter 4: Adversity. Chapter 5: The Meaning of Life.
Chapter 6: The Trading Police. Chapter 7: The Last Word. Chapter 8:
In Conclusion. Appendix A: For Traders Only. Appendix B: Insight
into the Person of " Trader X" More from the Author. Postscript.
Notes. Index.



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