編輯推薦: |
Richard Brealey London Business School This is a great
book...captures marvelously the excitement of the search for new
...a book that is insightful and thought–provoking." The
Economist, June 15, 2007
"…a challenging sequel to and spirited defence of his 1992
classic" Bloomberg, Friday 8th June
“Mr Bernstein has yet again produced a book that is insightful
and thought–provoking.” The Economist, 15th June 2007
"...a great primer in the ideas that currently govern
內容簡介: |
Capital Ideas traces the origins of modern Wall Street, from
the pioneering work of early scholars and the development of new
theories in risk, valuation, and investment returns, to the actual
implementation of these theories in the real world of investment
management. Bernstein brings to life a variety of brilliant
academics who have contributed to modern investment theory over the
years: Louis Bachelier, Harry Markowitz, William Sharpe, Fischer
Black, Myron Scholes, Robert Merton, Franco Modigliani, and Merton
Miller. Filled with in–depth insights and timeless advice, Capital
Ideas reveals how the unique contributions of these talented
individuals profoundly changed the practice of investment
management as we know it today.
關於作者: |
Peter L. Bernstein, one of the foremost financial writers of
his generation, is the author of the bestselling, Against the Gods:
The Remarkable Story of Risk and The Power of Gold: The History of
an Obsession, both from Wiley, as well as five other books. He is
President of Peter L. Bernstein, Inc., an investment consulting
firm he founded in 1973 after many years of managing billions of
dollars in individual and institutional portfolios. He is the
founding Editor of the Journal of Investment Management. He has
lectured widely throughout the United States and abroad, and has
received the highest honors from his peers in the investment
Acknowledgments. Introduction: The Revolution in the Wealth of
Chapter 1. Are Stock Prices Predictable? PART II: THE WHOLE AND THE
Chapter 2. Fourteen Pages to Fame.
Chapter 3. The Interior Decorator Fallacy.
Chapter 4. The Most Important Single Influence. PART III: THE DEMON
Chapter 5. Illusions, Molecules, and Trends.
Chapter 6. Anticipating Prices Properly.
Chapter 7. The Search for High P.Q. PAR IV: WHAT ARE STOCKS
Chapter 8. The Best at the Price.
Chapter 9. The Bombshell Assertions.
Chapter 10. Risky Business.
Chapter 11. The Universal Financial Device. PART V: FROM GOWN TO
Chapter 12. TheConstellation.
Chapter 13. The Accountant for Risk.
Chapter 14. The Ultimate Invention. PART VI: THE FUTURE.
Chapter 15. The View form the Top of the Tower. Notes. Bibliography
and Other Sources. Name Index. Subject Index.