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『英文書』Access 2010 Bible 9780470475348

書城自編碼: 2089892
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→计算机 Computers & Inte
作者: Michael
國際書號(ISBN): 9780470475348
出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2010-05-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 1343/
書度/開本: 大16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 2506



** 我創建的書架 **

The expert guidance you need to get the most out of Access
Get the Access 2010 information you need to succeed with this
comprehensive reference. If this is your first encounter with
Access, you''ll appreciate the thorough attention to database
fundamentals and terminology. If you''re familiar with earlier
versions, you can jump right into Access2010 enhancements such as
the new Access user interface and wider use of XML and Web

Takes you under the hood of Microsoft Access 2010, the database
application included with Microsoft Office 2010
Explores the latest enhancements, such as a new user interface and
wider use of XML and Web services; also, how to exchange data with
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Office apps
Covers how to create tables, manipulate datasheets, and work with
multiple tables
Explains the seven database objects and how to use a seven-step
design method to build a database tailored to your needs
Shows you how to build forms, use Visual Basic and the VBA Editor,
automate query parameters, create functions and subroutines, use
XML to create data access pages, and more
Includes a CD with all source code from the book and working
examples, plus bonus shareware, freeware, trial, demo and
evaluation programs that work with or enhance Microsoft
You’ll want to keep this soup-to-nuts Access reference close at
Note: CD-ROMDVD and other supplementary materials are not
included as part of eBook file.
Michael R. Groh is a well-known authority on
Microsoft Access, having written or contributed to more than 20
books and over 200 articles on the topic. Mike has also spoken at
dozens of Access conferences throughout the world.
Part I: Access Building Blocks.
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Database Development.
Chapter 2: Creating Access Tables.
Chapter 3: Designing Bulletproof Databases.
Chapter 4: Selecting Data with Queries.
Chapter 5: Using Operators and Expressions in Access.
Chapter 6: Working with Datasheet View.
Chapter 7: Creating Basic Access Form.
Chapter 8: Working with Data on Access Forms.
Chapter 9: Presenting Data with Access Reports.
Part II: Programming Microsoft Access.
Chapter 10: VBA Programming Fundamentals.
Chapter 11: Mastering VBA Data Types and Procedures.
Chapter 12: The Access Event Model.
Chapter 13: Accessing Data with VBA Code.
Chapter 14: Debugging Your Access Applications.
Chapter 15: Using Access Data Macros.
Part III: More-Advanced Access Techniques.
Chapter 16: Working with External Data.
Chapter 17: Importing and Exporting Data.
Chapter 18: Advanced Access Query Techniques.
Chapter 19: Advanced Access Form Techniques.
Chapter 20: Advanced Access Report Techniques.
Chapter 21: Building Multiuser Applications.
Chapter 22: Integrating Access with Other Applications.
Chapter 23: Handling Errors and Exceptions.
Part IV: Professional Database Development.
Chapter 24: Optimizing Access Applications.
Chapter 25: Advanced Data Access with VBA.
Chapter 26: Bulletproofing Access Applications.
Chapter 27: Using the Windows Application Programming
Chapter 28: Object-Oriented Programming with VBA.
Chapter 29: Customizing Access Ribbons.
Chapter 30: Using Access Macros.
Chapter 31: Distributing Access Applications.
Part V: Access and Windows SharePoint Services.
Chapter 32: Understanding Windows SharePoint Services.
Chapter 33: Integrating Access with SharePoint.
Chapter 34: Understanding Access Services.
Chapter 35: Deploying Access Applications to SharePoint.
Part VI: Access as an Enterprise Platform.
Chapter 36: ClientServer Concepts.
Chapter 37: SQL Server as an Access Companion.
Chapter 38: Upsizing Access Databases to SQL Server.
Part VII: Appendixes.
Appendix A: Access 2010 Specifications.
Appendix B: What’s New in Access 2010.
Appendix C: What’s on the CD-ROM.



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