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『英文書』Fibonacci Analysis 9781576602614

書城自編碼: 2089827
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Constance
國際書號(ISBN): 9781576602614
出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2008-08-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 182/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1502



** 我創建的書架 **

Only someone who is both a successful trader and a successful
writer could pull off what Constance Brown has accomplished in this
book: distilling Fibonacci analysis to two hundred or so
comprehensive, clearly written, eminently practical pages.
Brown knows exactly what a professional trying to come up to
speed on a new trading tool needs and she provides it, covering
what Fibonacci analysis is, how it works, where it comes from,
pitfalls and dangers, and, of course, how to use it. Basic trading
strategies are touched upon in virtually every chapter.
Fibonacci analysis is one of the most popular technical analysis
tools, yet it is often used incorrectly. Brown quickly clears up
common misconceptions and moves on to show, step by step, the
correct way to apply the technique in any market.
Those with Fibonacci analysis software will learn how to use it
with maximum effectiveness; those without will chart the market the
old-fashioned way. All will find answers to the trader''s most
important questions: Where is the market going? At what level
should my stop be entered? Based on the size of my trading account,
how muchshould I leverage into a trading position? Can I tell if I
am in trouble before my stop is hit? How much should I buy or sell
if given a second or thirdopportunity?
Occasional references to other tools--including Elliott Wave,
W.D. Gann, and candlestick charts--and an extensive bibliography
make this book richer for accomplished technical analysts without
confounding the less experienced. Plentiful real-life examples and
dozens of carefully annotated charts insure every reader will get
maximum value from every minute spent with this book.
Gold Medal Winner tie, Investing Category, Axiom Business Book
Awards 2009
Winner: Book Series Cover Design, The Bookbinders Guild of New
York2009 New York Book Show Awards
Constance Brown, CMT, is on the accreditation board of the
Market Technicians Association. Her book, Technical Analysis for
the Trading Professional, is required reading for the Level III
Chartered Market Technician certification exam. She founded
Aerodynamic Investments to advise and offer research to financial
institutions and banks worldwide. Clients include Credit Suisse,
Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Bundesbank, and Bank of Tokyo as
well as clients in Kuwait, South Africa, Australia, Russia, and
Indonesia. Previously, she worked as an institutional trader in New
York City. She now lives and works in South Carolina. She is the
author of six other books.
List of Illustrations.
1 The Mystery of Phi 1.618 and phi 0.618.
2 The Concept of Market Expansion and Contraction.
3 Support, Resistance, and Price Projections.
4 Bridging the Gap Between the Nautilus Shell and a Market
5 Fibonacci Channels, Angles, and Cycles with Oscillators.
6 Fibonacci Expansion Targets and Confluence in Time.
7 Rhythmic Wave Diagrams.
8 Harmonic Unity Within Market Price and Time.
Appendix A.
Appendix B: Common Errors.
Selected Bibliography.



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