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『英文書』Engage! The Complete Guide For Brands And Businesses To Build, Cultivate, And Measure Success In The New Web9781118003763

書城自編碼: 2089815
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Brian
國際書號(ISBN): 9781118003763
出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2011-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 316/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 951



** 我創建的書架 **

The ultimate guide to branding and building your business in
the era of the Social Web?revised and updated with a Foreword by
Ashton Kutcher
Engage! thoroughly examines the social media landscape and how
to effectively use social media to succeed in business?one network
and one tool at a time. It leads you through the detailed and
specific steps required for conceptualizing, implementing,
managing, and measuring a social media program. The result is the
ability to increase visibility, build communities of loyal brand
enthusiasts, and increase profits.
Covering everything you need to know about social media
marketing and the rise of the new social consumer, Engage! shows
you how to create effective strategies based on proven examples and
earn buy-in from your marketing teams. Even better, you''ll learn
how to measure success and ROI.

Introduces you to the psychology, behavior, and influence of
the new social consumer
Shows how to define and measure the success of your social
media campaigns for the short and long term
Features an inspiring Foreword by actor Ashton Kutcher, who has
more than 5 million followers on Twitter
Revised paperback edition brings the book completely up to date
to stay ahead of the lightning fast world of social media
Today, no business can afford to ignore the social media
revolution. If you''re not using social media to reach out to your
customers and the people who influence them, who is?
BRIAN SOLIS is globally recognized as one of the most prominent
thought leaders and published authors in new media. A digital
analyst, sociologist, and futurist, Solis has influenced the
effects of emerging media on business, sales, and marketing. He is
principal of FutureWorks, an award-winning business consultancy in
San Francisco, and has led social programs and change management
initiatives for Fortune 500 companies and Web 2.0 startups. His
blog, BrianSolis.com, is among the world''s leading business and
marketing websites.
Foreword Ashton Kutcher.
Introduction Welcome to the Revolution.
Chapter 1 The Social Media Manifesto.
Chapter 2 Making the Case for Social Media: The Five Ws+H+E.
Chapter 3 The New Media University.
Chapter 4 The New Media University 101: Blogs, Podcasts, and
Chapter 5 The New Media University 201: Communities, Social
Calendars, and Livecasting.
Chapter 6 The New Media University 301: Images and
Chapter 7 The New Media University 401: Dashboards, Social
Networks, and Brands.
Chapter 8 The New Media University 501: Microblogs,
Monetization, and Twitter.
Chapter 9 The New Media University 601: Mobile Marketing and
Video Broadcasting.
Chapter 10 The New Media University 701: Social Media
Optimization, SEO, and Content Distribution.
Chapter 11 The New Media University 801: Syndication,
Illustration, and Aggregation.
Chapter 12 The New Media University 901: Brand Personality,
Discovery, and Promise.
Chapter 13 The New Media University 1001: Attention
andWord of Mouth Marketing.
Chapter 14 The New Media University 1101: Social Landscape and
Chapter 15 Fusing the Me in Social Media and the We in the
Social Web.
Chapter 16 Learning and Experimentation Lead to Experience.
Chapter 17 Defining the Rules of Engagement.
Chapter 18 The Conversation Prism.
Chapter 19 Unveiling the New Influencers.
Chapter 20 The Human Network.
Chapter 21 The Social Marketing Compass.
Chapter 22 Facebook is Your Home Page for the Social Web.
Chapter 23 Divide and Conquer.
Chapter 24 A Tale of Two Cities.
Chapter 25 We Earn the Relationships We Deserve.
Chapter 26 The New Media Scorecard.
Conclusion You Are More Influential than You May Realize.
Appendix 30-Day Listening Report: A Template for Capturing and
Presenting Social Media Activity.



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