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From Publishers Weekly
Review. Marketing won''t speak to engineering. Sales thinks
production hogs the budget. Front desk believes back room''s lazy.
These sorts of turf wars, which turn outwardly unified companies
into groupings of uncommunicative "silos," are the stuff of
management lore. According to bestselling author Lencioni The
Five Dysfunctions of a Team, "they waste resources, kill
productivity and jeopardize the achievement of goals"—they also
drive workers into tizzies
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In yet another page–turner, New York Times best–selling
author and acclaimed management expert Patrick Lencioni addresses
the costly and maddening issue of silos, the barriers that create
organizational politics. Silos devastate organizations, kill
productivity, push good people out the door, and jeopardize the
achievement of corporate goals.
As with his other books, Lencioni writes Silos, Politics, and
Turf Wars as a fictional—but eerily realistic—story. The story
is about Jude Cousins, an eager young management consultant
struggling to launch his practice by solving one of the more
universal and frustrating problems faced by his clients. Through
trial and error, he develops a simple yet ground–breaking approach
for helping them transform confusion and infighting into clarity
and alignment.
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For a free downloadable Silo tool, or to sign upfor Patrick′s
newsletter, please visit ww.tablegroup.com
Introduction. The Fable. Part One: Entrepreneurial Ambition.
Part Two: Roller Coaster. Part Three: Rally. Part Four: Moments of
Truth. The Theory. Introduction to Silos. Components of the Model.
Identifying a Thematic Goal. Case Studies. Managing and Organizing
Around the Thematic Goal. Thematic Goals and Long-Term Context.
Making Matrix Organizations Work. Getting Started. Acknowledgments.
About the Author.