"Professional Android Application Development" is a professional
developer''s guide to building mobile applications using the next
major release of the Android SDK. This hands-on approach provides
in-depth coverage of the Android SDK through a series of projects,
each introducing a new Android platform feature and highlighting
the techniques and best practices to get the most out of Android.
Providing concise and compelling examples, "Professional Android
Application Development" is an updated guide that let''s developers
quickly construct real-world mobile applications for Android phones
running the latest version of Android.
Reto Meier is a software developer who has been involved in
Android since the initial release in 2007. He is an Android
Developer Advocate at Google.
Started. CHAPTER 3 Creating Applications and Activities. CHAPTER 4
Creating User Interfaces. CHAPTER 5 Intents, Broadcast Receivers,
Adapters, and the Internet. CHAPTER 6 Files, Saving State, and
Preferences. CHAPTER 7 Databases and Content Providers. CHAPTER 8
Maps, Geocoding, and Location-Based Services. CHAPTER 9 Working in
the Background. CHAPTER 10 Invading the Phone-Top. CHAPTER 11
Audio, Video, and Using the Camera. CHAPTER 12 Telephony and SMS.
CHAPTER 13 Bluetooth, Networks, andWi-Fi. CHAPTER 14 Sensors.
CHAPTER 15 Advanced Android Development. INDEX.